Chapter ThirtyThree

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We get out of the car at the restaurant, there are paps everywhere. Niall holds my hand tighter as we get closer to them.




"Niall, are you sure the kids are yours?"

"Niall! Why are you marrying her?"

The paps shout questions at us and rude things, but we don't comment, we just push past them and we eventually get inside and a man shows us to our table. When we get there everyone else is there waiting for us. When we sit down, Harry hands Charlie over to me and I sit her in my lap and Niall sits Sammy in his lap.

"Guess what?" Perrie speaks up.

"What?" We all look over to her.

"Our family is back together." She smiles.

"Yes it is." Liam nods.

We are like a family. We're all part of each others lives, even though I wasn't apart of it for like a year, they filled me in on everything. I missed them. They are all my second family.

Niall's hand grips mine and I lace our fingers together and lean my head on his shoulder. We're all in our own little world, until Niall's stomach grumbles.

"Someone's hungry." Louis comments.

"I haven't had breakfast, it kind of turned into a food fight, so yeah, I am a little hungry." He says sassily and Louis just smirks.

As if on cue, the waiter walks over and takes our order.

The rest of lunch is filled with laughs, and splashing water on Elora's face, to get her back for all the pranks she's played on us. I almost feel bad for her, but when she tells me there is a cockroach in my food and I look down and there isn't one, I probably would happily tip my whole plate of food over her.

We splash the occasional glass of water over Louis for his pranks, but not that many. Elora eventually goes to the bathroom to dry her face, and Eleanor goes with her.

"Izzy and Soph, come to the bathroom with me." Perrie stands and I hand Charlie to Harry and we stand and walk to the bathroom.

Eleanor is just fixing up Elora's makeup for her when we walk in.

"If you poke me in the eye, I will murder you, I don't care if you're my cousin." Elora warns.

"What'd you want us for?" Perrie asks.

Oh, so that's why she wanted us both to go, it makes sense now.

"Yeah, we're gonna prank the boys." Eleanor smirks.

"She's my apprentice." Elora says giddily.

"I will poke you in the eye, I don't care if you're my cousin." El teases and Elora glares at her.

"Why are we pranking them?" Sophia asks.

"Do you need a reason to prank people?" Elora shrugs.

"True, so what's the plan?"

"We don't know yet." El mumbles.

a/n: Heyo! Could you please read another story of mine, it's on a different account, don't ask why, but it is, the account is el_davy and the name of the story is Too Late. Thank you muchly!

Sorry for the late update, I haven't had the time to do it, but to make up for it, I'm doing a triple update! Why, you may ask, because I can.

Also, I was going to update on Christmas, but couldn't, so it's late, but you'll manage; MERRY CHRISTMAS! and because for me, tomorrow will be 2015; Happy New Year.

Do something exciting in the new year, go and be spontanious, I'm not sure if that's how you spell it, but you get what it means.

Love you all .xx

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