After Dark (7)

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--chapter 7--

Carlisle Cullen

It started out as a slow day at the hospital. Just a few cases of the common cold. After two o'clock, a boy ran in with a girl in his arms. He was around seventeen years old, with brown hair that flopped over his eyes. The girl had blonde hair that was stained with blood. I rushed over to him and took the girl and placed her on the hospital bed Nurse Fields brought over. We wheeled the girl into the intensive care unit.

"Nurse, please go and call Docter Longman." I said and she nodded and left.

Docter Longman is the hospital's main surgeon. I examined her in the mean time. She had a bite mark on her neck covered in blood. Some of it had dried but the wound hadn't clotted yet.

"Status report Docter Cullen" Dr. Longman said as he walked in with Nurse Fields right behind him holding a clipboard.

"The patient has a deep cut on her neck. She has lost a large amount of blood."

Dr. Longman took the clipboard from Nurse Fields and read it.

"Hmm... Crystal Turner... seventeen years old... Do you think it's the same animal that attacked the others?"

"Maybe, but it didn't kill her like it did to the rest. I'll talk to the boy, to see if he knows anything." I said and left.

Usually, I would be the best bet for the main surgeon, but even all the years of living on animal blood can't tame the vampire in me.

I went to the waiting room and saw him at the corner. He looked scared, frightened, as if he witnessed the whole thing. I sat in the plastic chair next to him. He didn't look up. He just continued staring at the white tiled floor.

"How's she doing?" He asked.

"She lost a lot of blood, and her wound is deep. But she has a high immune system so she'll be okay in a few weeks."

He continues staring at the floor.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Ryan. You're Dr. Cullen, right?"

"Yes, I am"

"Good." Ryan looked up at me. "I have a message for you."

"What message?"

Ryan's voice changed from sad and hurting to serious. "Stop looking. It will come to you. Stop looking." He said, stood up, and walked out.

I sat there stunned. What exactly did he mean? Who sent it? I had a feeling that I wasn't going to get those questions answered soon or even see Ryan again.


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