After Dark (8)

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--chapter 8--

Jacob Black

This is one of the perks of being a werewolf. The speeds you can get to when you're running is beyond awesome.

A noise interrupted my peace. I phased back to my human form and walked to the road. There was a sleek, black Mercedes with the hood up. I walked over to the front of the car.

"Oh, hey. You scared me," said a girl about twenty years old. She had long dark brown hair that flowed down her back in luscious curls. She had small splashes of oil on her clothes and hands and was holding a small green torch.

"Car trouble?" I asked.

"Don't you know it! My car was running just fine, and then it just stopped. And I was like, 'Crap, seriously?' because it's nighttime and you know, it's safer in the day." She said brightly. She was still fiddling with the car's engine trying to figure out what was going on.

"Here, let me help" I said and she moved aside. I quickly realised what the problem was and started working on it.

"So, what's your name?" She asked while leaning on the car.

"Jacob Black. What about you?"

"Brooke, Brooke Hale. I'm new in town."

"Where from?"

"Florida. I used to live in Phoenix, Arizona and then I moved to Florida for university. And now I'm here to visit a friend. By any chance, do you know someone called Isabella Swan? I was given this map from her dad." Brooke showed me the paper. It was crumpled, and the pencil marks were light and faded.

"Yeah, I know her."

"Great! Can you show me where she lives now? It might be a small town but she's like a needle in this haystack called Forks," she laughed. Brooke was so full of life, energetic. Then I noticed that this whole time she was wearing dark sunglasses and fairly light clothes for this weather.

"Sure, There you go." I said while closing the bonnet of her car. "You have a nice car, rich family?" I joked.

Brooke laughed. "You could say that!" She opened the car door. "Do you wanna drive? Or do you want me to?"

I looked at her skeptically.

"What? You thought I was going to walk there? I'm sorry but these boots aren't made for hiking!" She joked (I think...) and waited for an answer.

"Hmm... I have always wanted to drive a sports car..." I laughed.

She laughed also and threw me the keys.


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