Chapter Five

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Feyre's POV: 

Kana was just now able to ever so slowly move around the house on her own. It had been three weeks. And even then Nesta and I were prone to pop in at random times to see if she was truly okay.

Elain said she would start checking up on Kana. because I had work that I wasn't too happy about. Regina was pissed, "So you're telling me you and I have to sneak into the enemy's main headquarters to pull one of our spies out."

I nodded, Matt grunted from his seat across the tent. A summer court fae also stood in the tent. He was the one able to get in touch with the spy. Luckily he was also the fae to drag me out of the ocean two months ago.

His name was Brandelis. He joined the legion a few months ago after another summer court fae resigned to be with his mate while she was pregnant. The last time I checked he was guarding a town a day's ride away.

I sighed, and said. "That spy has the most valuable information anyone has ever received. We could crumble the whole foundation Amarantha's built from the bones of others."

Regina snapped her mouth closed at that. Matt questioned, "When do you leave?"

I answer standing from my desk chair. "Kana wants us to leave tonight, a few hours before dusk." Regina frowned and nodded, I could see her hurt that she had to leave her mate.

She questioned, "Who did this spy, I don't have clearance to hear about, get close to anyways? They have to be important if Kana is sending us."

I grinned, "Our spy got close to a very important fae. The High Lord of Night Court."

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I stood in the center of Kana's office. Hava stood decked in full armor at the door. It was rare to see her in such weaponry. Only when Kana deemed it necessary.

The High General spoke, "Hava and I have come to the conclusion that we have a spy in our ranks." I swallowed, she would ask me to do something horrible here.

"Feyre I need you to find a name for you legion asap. It is not being tossed around anymore, I need you all a name so you can be seen as a bigger threat and the legion with a dead commander. Not that they know you're alive." The Generals commands were never commanded lightly.

She always gave us a choice, and when she couldn't she made sure that if we messed up Hava would have a very strong word with us. "I'll think of it while I'm away."

Kana nodded, and sipped her tea. I went to leave but Hava still guarded the door. "Feyre," I turned and stared. Her gray eyes basically glowed, "Do not fail me."

I saluted. And bowed at the waist, "It is my honor to serve. For the good of all." Kana raised her tea cup as I turned away, "For the good of all."

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On horseback we've been riding for six hours. And my ass was killing me. I said to Regina, "How much longer until we can stop?"

Regina smirked, "You've gotten weak Feyre, without two months on a horse, your legs aren't used to it anymore." I grumbled something not so nice and Regina laughed.

"We need to ride a few more hours, so get comfortable." Regina said. I pouted but faced forward and rode on anyway.

We laid in the grass and pressed ourselves close to the ground. Finally and the tunnel that would take us under the mountain. We realized it would be impossible to sneak past the wards. Regina murmured, "I guess we're taking the long way. We'll rest a few miles from here tonight, then we'll leave for the middle tomorrow."

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