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Kana's POV: 

The darkness was suffocating, I couldn't breathe. Yet I fell, fell through stars and worlds. I was falling through worlds. No one would ever believe me about it though.

There was a world with pure oceans, nothing but cerulean blue seas. Then there was a world of coldness and darkness, my mark burned as that world flew past.

There was a world with a city along the bend of a river. The building stretched like the tallest towers into the sky. Nothing, other than Velaris could ever compare to that architecture.

Then I approached a world, I passed a constellation of a giant stag, there was a land of green hills and snowy mountains. A desert, cold wastes and warm ones. A jungle smack center of the warm waste.

There was a land of soft shores and forests, and mountains and plains to the east. A city of rivers stood out the most. Along with a mountain range further away from it. Then there was a continent to the South. That seemed to be more advanced than any other region. Yet still I fell directly past the mountains east of the River City.

My mark burned, as I fell to the surface of the world I knew I'd die on impact. There was no way I'd survive, no way I'd ever be able to make it back to Prythian. A tribe of so many fae caught my attention. Some pointed, others gasped and fell to their knees and bowed. Like I was some sort of god.

I fell and fell. I turned enough to see that I'd land in a lake. Sucking in one final breath, my mark burned with the might of a world. Slowing my fall just enough, yet still I smacked into the water.

My bones snapped, my head collided with no mercy. Eyes barely open, I was still so weak from fending off the cauldron. So I sank towards the bottom of the lake, with light glaring down at me. Like it was begging me to fight.

I closed my eyes, praying drowning wouldn't be as painful as they claimed. I couldn't move, my limbs tied down my exhaustion. Splashing sounded above me, my eyes cracked open. A blurry figure was above me. And with strong hands yanked me upward toward the surface.

The sound of the Mother's voice echoed in my ears as the being tugged us both up toward the surface, toward air. It was the crone's voice, Tik tok, the clock has stopped. It shall tik tok again when the times are alined as they would tik tok.

Then there was darkness, nothing more.

YAAASSSS! The End of the Beginning! I hope you all have enjoyed Game of Prythian! I am planning on making a sequel, so Kana's story can continue.

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Happy Reads Everyone!

: Dragon-Fly

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