Confessions Pt. 1

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Long time no see, yeah? Yeah.

So i stoped writing this for a very very long time BECAUSE i thought no one was reading it for a while because my number of votes stayed the same and there were no comments and my views went up only a lttle but i guess i was wrong because i got back on today and there were more than my usual amount of comment and votes and i was like ok well time to upadte. And I FINALLY FINALLY reached 7,000 views so yeah thanks guys!


Aw, how my heart weakens for anything Andy?

Anyway I don't really have anything planned out for this book anymore. I mean, I posted it 1 year and 19 days ago and I don't see the same ideas as I had back then. Don't get me wrong I totes love BVB till the end, a good member of an army always belongs to his/her leaders, yeah?

Yeah. Anyway, minimum mistakes in this chapter.






In the past few days I have learned many things.

1. Becky and Ashley most likely have gotten over each other due to the fact the Becky caught the attention of 5 guys who never noticed her before. And the fact the Ashley's done the nasty more than the amount of guys Becky has following her, under the same roof as each other.

2. My dad, since the band came here, has been dating some chick, that being the reason why he hasn't been in the house while either I'm home or any of the guys, well that reason and including work. Finding out this thing was very awkward for me, I resulted in violence and may or may not have thrown a full package of SOLO cups at him. Whoops.

3. CC walked in on Ashley hooking up with a woman twice their age and refuses to sleep in or near the same room as Ashley. So now he sleeps on the floor of my room. Until his mind settles.

5. , Andy and I have been spending every waking moment together. And I'm pretty sure I love him. Too much. Cause he's leaving next week. And I don't know what I'm going to do when he does. I really don't.

6. A certain band, living in a certain house, will being playing in some concert on the border of this town and the next. Yay, more fan girls eye humping my boyfriend.

"They'll be raping you with their minds and eyes." I wined. Andy and I were perched on the roof of the watching another party (which I've grown use to being throw here) play out in the backyard.

"So what. Their fans, they can do that. At least while they are doing that they are paying attention to the music. You know our music has saved some of their lives before." He poked my boob. Woah. Violation.

"Don't poke my boob. And yeah I know their lives have been saved by your music, it's inspiring, your music. You, you're inspiring. All of you." I hugged his waste and snuggled close to him. For some reason I liked to believe that Andy was going a little soft compared to the first time I met his arrogant ass. Then again, that's what usually happens when your in a relationship.

"Save all of that for later. Tomorrow we have the concert, and then the next day and the day after that and than the day after that, and day after that and then, I leave for L.A. Back to business and you can visit You know fly in. Like a long distance relationship."

Those don't work out. I've seen it play out before in books, Hollywood, movies. They don't. Things come between the said couple and then they stop loving each other or having feelings for each other. And then, they drift.

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