Caller Number 1

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What's good in the hood my crazy beautiful readers?

I'll tell you what isn't: the birds chirping outside my window like their stuck on repeat! Bout to get shot...nah I'm just joking seriously though it's 5 a.m. in Cali they don't need to be singing, I think we all get the message of their arrival.

ANYWAY four more chapters left can you's believe it!
And if you didn't read my last authors note you like a good human being, than you wouldn't know that I am writing a new book and posting it directly after this one. Although it is not a fan-fic it still has the potential of receiving as much attention as The Morticians Daughter did, maybe even more. It would me the world to me if you read it and spread the word to all your friends on here about it when it is released, as I would do for you!

Speaking of, if you have any books you want me to look at, go ahead and DM me or comment below, after you vote for this chapter! And please, return the favor of reading mine. Thank you!

Four more chapters left

Chapter 46


One Month Later

"Brooks, I need you to take my table in section four, while I box these up!" Olivia walks by carrying a tray filled with unfinished plates, thrusting me her hip so I can grab the notepad in the side pocket of her apron.

"Oh, the one with the basketball team of five hundred?" I look over her shoulder to the party table filled with a bunch of nine year olds. Olivia winks before walking through the doors leading to the restaurant's kitchen.

Sighing, I trudge slowly over to the table reminding myself that I was the one who asked for this.

About a week after my final departure from Andy Biersack, I finally decided to completely clear my thoughts of anything drama and start a new slate before college. It took five days of pouring my feelings into Netflix and a tub of ice cream, before I finally picked myself off the couch and called Olivia for advice on moving forward since meeting her she's kind of become my life coach.

Getting a job was the easiest part, the hardest was of rekindling my relationship with dad and Becky. Yeah, one day of drama really put a strain on my most important relationships, as both Becky and my dad still couldn't get over the fact that I slept with Andy. Dad's a lot my quieter now (suffer in silence type), but Becky finally got over being pissed just last week.

I've finally come to the term that I can't blame them, that was a huge step in my life that I didn't think through clearly before taking, and look where we ended up. Do I regret it? Not entirely, it was still one of the best nights I've ever had, if only it ended on different terms. I haven't heard from Andy in a month, but then again I haven't really reached out to him either. I figure he is still hurting inside like I am, but maybe he is slowly, and I mean slowly, healing as I am.

Although, despite our miscommunication, I hear the band is doing well. Signed onto Warped tour, and finally completed their first album (in stores tomorrow). I wonder if they've forgotten about me, but it's only been a month so probably not.

"Hey, waitress, you've been staring at the notepad for five minutes, we're ready to order." An older blond lady barks at me snapping me from the depths of my own thoughts. I look up and notice the whole table staring at me like I've lost my mind.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, lost it there for a minute. Can I get your drink orders?" I slap a smile on my face and listen as a dozen twelve-year-old boys decide to be dicks and switch up their order to piss me off.

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