All Over Again

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IT’S FINALLY SPRING BREAK, BITCHES! What is everyone doing or already did for spring break?

Srry for the delay of the chapter, I had to much going on Friday, and couldn’t get around to it.

Guess who did gown measurements and orders for graduation today? This girl.

Anyway, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! May the odds be ever in your favor and Happy Hunger Games!

Chapter 34


Andy’s POV


“What the fuck is up with you man?” Ashley nudges my shoulder snapping me out of the staring contest I was having with my microphone. I glare up at him from my wooden stool.

“I don’t know, my friend just told me he saw my ex-girlfriend partying with some college guy at a college part, just like I fucking knew would happen. Oh yeah, and he dropped the hammer right before recording.” I knock the microphone and it’s stand to the floor, and the loud banging echo’s throughout the sound room. Everyone throws their hands to there ears until the sound subdues.

“Listen, dick. You left her, she get’s to do whatever the fuck she wants, and knowing Emily, that college guy probably was just a friend. You heard about her ending up in the hospital after you guys ended things, or didn’t end things actually, you left, so you know damn well it’s not gonna be that easy for her to move on.” Ashley grabs the mic stand from the floor and forces it to chest.

“Yeah, Andy we have one more song to record and you only have half a song written. We moved closer to her so you could make sure she was fine, and you haven’t written shit since.” CC joins Ashley’s pack and they both join in on cornering me.

“I have, just not something I am ready for you guys to hear. Are you done gaining up on me? Jinxx, Jake did you want to say anything?” I can tell I’m being a dick, but the past weeks have been hell. I miss seeing her fucking beautiful face.

One last time, I want to see her face one more time before the tour kicks off on Sunday and we have to leave Saturday. After that, I doubt I will ever fucking see her again.

“Just get the song done, dude. That’s all I have to say.” Jinxx looks up from his guitar before returning to tightening his strings.

I look at Jake who just nods in agreement with the rest of them.

“I’m gonna take a fucking walk.” And by walk I mean drive, and by drive I mean I’m probably gonna drive to the border of her town and then turn around. I’ve been doing it for the past few days.

I wonder if she’s healthy again. It took me all my will power not to go to the hospital when Becky called. I couldn’t; it would hurt me just as much to see her in a fucking hospital bed, all because of me.

I drive the car all the way to the border of the town, except this time I push it a little further. I go to the main street and just drive the streets, knowing who I’m looking for, but hoping I don’t find her.

I drive by the country club and the memory of our first ‘date’ floods through my mind like a tsunami on a one-way street to end me. Taking out a cigarette, I light it to spite her; even if she doesn’t know it.

I find myself driving closer and closer to the other side of town, to the one place where I know I shouldn’t be. Her house.

Emily lives on a long dirt road almost on the opposite side of town. There’s hardly any trees, on the dirt road, so when I pull up on the first turn, there’s nothing to hide me. I park at the very beginning of the road and just stare out the window. God, I miss this place.

I sit there, contemplating everything we’ve ever done, praying she doesn’t drive by and see me.  Although, a part of me is hoping she does, just so I can get the pleasure of seeing her angel face all over again, even if it breaks me. Does she remember me? Course she does you stupid fuck.

This was a fucking mistake, I have no idea what I am trying to accomplish here. I need to leave, before she see’s me. I put the stick shift in drive and make a U-turn, driving back to the stop sign at the entrance of the street. Unfortunately, I am too late, as I sit there waiting for a car to pass, Becky’s rusty truck comes coughing down the opposite street. And sitting in the passenger seat is Emily.

She’s there, in her dark haired, blue-eyed glory, singing to whatever Becky has on the radio. And she’s beautiful, as always, even when she’s making the craziest of faces. Her face is skinnier than when I left her, and I can see her collarbones a lot clearer than before, in her black tank top.  I did that to her.

She doesn’t see me yet, but she will. When Becky turns the corner onto the street, she spots me. And I feel as if the wind has been knocked out of both of us.  She does a double take before telling Becky to stop the car. But the music is too loud, and Becky keeps driving, as do I.

 I drive away from the only person who managed to damage me in weeks. I drive farther away from the best thing that could’ve happened to me outside of Black Veil Brides. I push the gas pedal, and watch in the rear view mirror as she claws at the window, as I leave her all over again.

Emily’s POV


“Becky stop the car!” I scream as hot tears stream down my face. Why is he driving away? Why is he leaving me all over again? What did I do?

“BECKY PLEASE!” I scream louder, slamming my hand down on the off button to the radio. Becky, in total shock slams her foot on the brake turning to me in awe.

I don’t give her time to ask questions, instead I throw my seat belt off and the door open, before storming out the car. Running faster than I have ever ran before, I follow the direction his car went. I run to the end of the dirt path that leads to my house, before I drop to my knees.

It’s too late.

The one chance I could’ve gotten, and I missed it. He left, again. Why would he come here only to leave again! He can’t do this to me! I did nothing wrong this time.

Instead of broken tears, I am crying angry tears, clenching and unclenching my hands in frustration. Balling them into fist, I hold them to my eyes to stop the tears, before throwing them flat on the ground before me. Gripping a handful of dirt and rocks, I stand up and throw it where he left, letting a cry out as I do it. I am a mad woman.

Becky has turned her truck around and is heading my direction around. When she reaches me, I don’t get in the car. Instead, I begin to yell as she climbs out of her now parked car.


“I CRIED ENOUGH FOR HIM, THINKING EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING WAS MY FAULT! BUT THIS TIME I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING AND HE STILL LEFT! I AM DONE CRYING, DAY IN AND DAY OUT! HE DOESN’T GET THAT SIDE OF ME ANYMORE!” I yell and throw more rocks at an empty spot I wish occupied him. I throw one for every day of crying, every meal skipped, I throw one for every moment I wished he would come back. I throw more for ever time he touched me. I throw some more for him having me blame myself for days. I throw some for all the people I caused pain to for no reason. I throw some for the pain I caused myself.

I throw some for my own self-respect.

a/n don’t hate me. Just vote and Comment AND I will throw in a chapter sometime this week. Sorry for delay!

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