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Kind of Important

Ok, note starts here :D

Um, story is coming to an E N D! Maybe.........idk 5 more chapters? No? Seven?

FIVE HUNDRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or not ;)

Just pushing your buttons, there will only be like 5 maybe 7 chapters left. My creative Black Veil Brides fan fics, juice is running low.

Sowwy :(

btw there will be idk three POVs in this chapter. Ashley, Becky, and Emily





READ MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jes n.n


Chapter 13?

Ashley's POV

No, Becky, why? I stared at her for a minute, she was just another fan who thought they were in love with me. I've been confessed to, many times before. Hell, I've been perposed to many times before.

"Becky......I can't return the feelings. I think you are really nice and--"

"Excuse me." She interrupted and pushed past me, and into the house, leaving me staring at the back of her head. Fuck, way to make things awkward.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

Yeah, things just got fucked.

Becky's POV

He said he couldn't return the feelings.

I confessed my love.

I got regected.

Sighing, for like the one thousandth time, I looked around. I was currently avoiding Ashley like the plague. God how embarassing it would be to have to face him after telling him I loved him.

And people wonder why I'm so meek. Keeping to yourself keeps you from getting hurt. There are no problems, and embarrasments like so, Man, where was Emily when you really needed her. Oh yeah, she's enjoying her love life, Lucky bitch.

I decided all the music and thumping, grindiing and dancing, laughter and kissing was getting on my nervs, so I headed to Emily's room only to find two people basically eating each other. I raised an eyebrow and cleared my throat.

"You are in my bedroom."I quietly said. The pulled apart, looked my up and down, and left the room like there was a fire. Every fucking day.

I slowly, and reluctantly walked to the bed and threw myself on top of it. Wishing this day could just start over.

Emily's POV

"Andy! Oh my gosh we are going to be in so much trouble!" I whisper yelled between giggles. So the whole dinner thing didn't work out so well, we ended up going to the local country club. We snuck in, due to the fact that the club closed two hours ago. 

I was pretty sure we were going to get caught, Andy kept splashing in the pool, making so much noise. It was worth it though, not only was it funny, but Andy's shirt was off and I was NOT at all discusted.

"" I laughed as he splashed around some more. I ran arround the pull trying to avoid the water being thrown at me. "Stop!"

At this point, I was too busy trying to breathe, that I didn'=t notice when he got out of the pool. The next thing I knew he threw himslef at me, tossing us both sideways into the pool.

We parted underwater as I swam for the top, breathing and laughing at the same time. When we both broke the surface, I swam over to him and punched his shoulder.

"You suck. I could've drowned. That would've been the worst first date, ever." I teased and swam away.

Great, I was all soaken wet. Me black skinny jeans, grey converse, and white t-shirt. I reached the steps and pulled myself out of the pull, puddles of water trailing behind me. As I walked to my bag, my shoes squeaked due to the wetness they filled with.

"Nice, black bra, Emily Harsh." Andy commented, getting out of the pull. Throwing my arms over my chest, I covered my exposed chest. Blood rising to my cheeks, I bent down and grabbed my wet bag.

"Andy, I'm so wet!" I pursed my lips and looked at my wet pants.

"Wow, that's what she said." Being the pervet he was, Andy laughed and walked over to me, grabbing my hand and running towards the exit.

When we got home, the party Ashley, Becky, and CC threw was still going. Cars lining from down the street. Andy pulled into the driveway, saying he was going to take a smoke while I went in.

Never in my life did 9I expect a party to be thrown at my house, but this party was huge. I forced my way through the crowd of people and up to my room to find Becky pouring in tears. I ran to the bed, despite the cold water on my body and comforted her cause that's what best friends do!




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