Cinderella Pt. 2

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Heyo guys! So I am back and up and running, no more throwing up my insides including my stone cold heart, and I am ready to power through the next couple of chapter! We are almost to the end! I think you guys will really enjoy the results of the book, whatever happens, happens for a reason!

And I would like to give a shout out to the wonderful writer @imaginator1D for all the amazing blessings that have come her way through her books: After 1, After 2, and After 3 (which btw are my favorite books on wattpad) so give her some lovin!
Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

La Revedere!


Chapter 39


There are moments when I absolutely would like to shove Becky’s head in a pile of shit. Then there are moments where I would like to wrap her up in my arms and thank her for being amazing. Right now, I was torn between feelings.

A part of me wanted to hug her for being the best friend that she is, and the other wanted to possibly maybe use one of her heels to stab her in the shin.

Andrew, I just wanted to punch the shit out of. And I honestly didn’t know what to do with Becky’s date.

I must be PMSing.

“What the hell are you guys talking about?” I glare at them, holding back the tiny hint of a smile threatening to make it’s way onto my face.

They glance at each as if they didn’t expect me to respond like this. “We are going to formal. This was supposed to be like the movies where you cry tears of joy and thank me for being the best fairy godmother ever—“

“And godfather,” Andrew adds.

Becky continues. “Anyway, you’re supposed to be happy and not sad…”

Her voice fades away as she takes in the tears bounding down my cheeks. “What did I do?”

“Nothing, I just…wish he was here to go with me. This means a lot, but I can’t go…I don’t have a date and even if I was asked, I couldn’t accept. It would be too…hard. He’s gone but he’s still here.” I shake my head and shrug my shoulders like I can’t help being a huge emotional wreck. They must be tired of me crying, surely.

“But you are wrong, you can be my date. I mean, I can have two and Andrew is tagging a long, we’ll just go as a group. Please, Emily you can be stuck in this place forever, eventually you’ll have to try to move on. We aren’t asking you to make out with a stranger, just spend one of the most beautiful nights with me, as my best friend.” Becky’s face is filled with defeat, like she’s almost out the fight to win me back; if the old me is even there that is. My heart falters at seeing her face crumble like that.

I glance at Andrew and his expression tells me to give her a break for once. Looking back at Becky, I see her still holding the big dress box in her hands.

I run my finger on silver lid, curious as to what dress is inside.  When did she even have time to buy this?

“Is it as gorgeous as yours?” I question, looking up at her through my lashes. Her face freezes for only a moment before breaking out into a huge grin, taking up her whole face. She moves towards me like she’s trying to hug me, but the box shoves me away. Grunting, I grip the stairwell before I break my whole body.

“Oh I’m sorry!” She screams.

“Why don’t you two get ready before we spend formal in the hospital, and I hate hospitals.” Andrew suggests, waiting for me to recover enough to unlock the front door.

“Means a lot, Emily.” He whispers only loud enough for me to hear. I side glance him before pushing the door open.

“Oh my gosh I’m so excited! Hurry and go take a shower you smell like nachos!” Becky shoos me up the stares and turns back to her date. Zach and Andrew trudge over to the kitchen, probably to wipe out all the food in the house.

By the time I get to the bathroom, Becky is still following me, a certain glow in her eyes I’ve never seen before. I turn on the shower expecting her to leave; she doesn’t.

“Becky, I’m not taking a shower in front of you, when I’m done you can do whatever you want with me, but I’m not letting you wash me.”

“Oh, sorry. Be quick we are short on time!” She leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.

Once she’s left, I turn and stare at myself in the mirror. Wondering if I can really do this, wondering if it’s all worth it, for Becky it is.

I just wish it would mean as mush to me as it did to her.

I just wish he were here to enjoy it all.

I just wish he were here.

Andy’s POV

 I know exactly where I’m going. At least I think I know exactly where I’m going.  Actually, I don’t have a fucking clue.

I did five minutes ago, but overthinking really does a lot to a person. What if she was finally learning to move on? What would she do if I ruined all of that?

But I can’t help but feel only pain when I think of her and in the arms of someone else. Kissing someone else, fucking—no she wouldn’t do that; she’s not that shallow. But she deserves so much after what I put her through.

But fuck whoever thinks they can take my place.

Even though they have every right to.

I clench my hands on ten and two so hard they turn white. I need a drink. No, I need ten drinks. I don’t want to feel this agonizing pain in my chest whenever I think of her lips.

“I open my lungs dear…” I sing out of nowhere. The fucking lyrics have been stuck in my head for days, every time I think of her, so every fucking moment.

My       thoughts        of        her      are     just     so       fucking           LOUD!!!

I need to stop. I need to get my mind off of her. Shit, she’s fucking ruining me.

And although my goal is to get her off of my mind, I pull into the one place where I first figured her out.

Paul’s Pub.

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