Ruining the Moment

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"You and Andy are so cute! I just can't think of a cuter couple.........besides Beckly of course!" Becky squealed. Beckly was her name and Ashley combined, even though they weren't really dating, Becky seemed to think so.

While the guys did some song writing, Becky and I were meeting up with my dad to talk to him about Andy and I going out for the past two days. It was Sunday and by tomorrow most of the school would know we were together. My thoughts were misconcepted about Andy, he wasn't that bad. He still had a nasty sense of humor, but at times he was sweet, and like to sing songs Still, he was a little annoying.

"Yeah I know, you've told me five times in the past hour. It's not that difficult to believe, just to people dating not that bad." We weaved through a few headstones and stepped around clumps of flowers resting peacefully in the grass.

"Well sure, but not even a week ago you were complaining about Andy and now you guys are googly eyed with each other twenty-four-seven. It's so cute! You guys are so cute!"

"Make that six times." I paused searching the graveyard for my dad. Most morticians' offices are in funeral homes, but since know one has the guts to work with the dead, my dad is the main guy here. The main funeral director/mortician in the town. If things got really busy, dad would call a few of his real friends from other cities to help out with the bodies so he wasn't alone.

I spotted dad standing with a family of three, guesturing to the scenery of the cemetary. Becky and I waited patiently while dad continued helping the family look for a spot to burry whoever passed in their family.

After half an hour of Becky's annoying rants about baby names for her and Ashley's imaginary kids, dad was finished and waved good-bye to the family as they stepped away from his office they went into earlier. He made his way over to us, with a smile plastered on his face.

"Good afternoon girls. Sorry I haven't been around the house lately, a lot of diseases are killing quite a few people these days. I have Chinese food in my office, shall we?" Dad said. We followed him into his tiny office building and shut the door behind us. It was cold here, dad was used to the cold temperature in the morturary, so cold temps never bothered him too much.

"So girls what been going on around the house? Boys still giving you a hard time, Em?"

I shook my head, looking at Becky, she had been begging me to just straight out tell him the first time we saw him, but I wanted to wait till the right moment. Becky was all smiles now."Nope, we are getting along better."

"Good, we'll they'll be gone in two weeks, so you'll soon have piece and quiet." Becky's face dropped, as did mine. Two weeks and then they'll be gone, seemed so soon.........

"Haha, right." I swallowed. Only two more weeks with Andy and then what?

"Emily and Andy are dating!" Becky blurted out. My eye's snapped wide open, and I stared at Becky in disbelief. For ounce I wish she was back to her quiet self again. She looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, Emily, but I've been dying to tell someone other than the boys all day........."

Still shock I look back at my dad, who had stopped in the middle of opening the brown paper bag of Chinese food. For a second he looked shocked and then the next he was smiling.

"Congrats!" He chuckled, now I was in shock cause of him and not Becky.

"What?" I asked again.

"It's your first boyfriend, most dad's would pull out the tough act, but I am glad you are putting yourself out there. Becky shouldn't be your only social buddy. Good for you two. What about you Becky? Dating any rockstars?" Dad looked from Becky to me and pulled the rest of the Chinese out. I closed my mouth and gave a little smile. Wow, that was easy than I thought!

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