Like A Date?

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Quick update no? Ahh you are probably tired of me updating so i should just stop and leave you alone NOT! I like updating but sometimes my brain fart makes my creative juice die for a long time. T.T hate it when that happens......

. So guys since this book will come to an end (no sequel but perhaps a short little spin off or something) let's get as much votes as possible!!! Yeah? No? Well, please try I would be very happy! I'll let you read now!







Blech. Mondays. Blech.

I debated wether or not I should go to school today.

Face all the attention me and Andy will have or stay in and sleep and not worry about everything?


Sleeping in it is. I HATE attention, it's unwanted and uncalled for, it's pointless. I rolled to the other side of my bed and groaned. My body was aching from all the walking we did. After Andy and I kissed we went back to the fire only to see CC shouting a bunch of curse words in different languages, and Becky and Jake laughing hard, and Ashley peeing on the fire. Yeah, we left after that.

My phone rang, making me glare at it for a minute. Fucking phones.

"What?" I answered throwing a pillow on my head.

"When are you coming down? We only have thrity minutes till school starts," Andy claimed.

"When have you ever cared about going to school?"

"Since I got an awesome girlfriend I want everyone to know about. I'm coming up."

"No, no you aren't." I did not want Andy to see me in the morning. Sure he has before but everything changes when you are actually dating and not fighting over noise complaints.

"Yes, yes i am."

"Andy no! I look like shit!"

"Shut up. I'm already up here," I could hear the footsteps outside the door. I hung up and barried my head in the pillow, flipping my body over so he couldn't see me face.

"What the fuck Andy go!" I shouted when he opened the door. I heard him chuckle and then the bed sunk in when he sat down.

"Y? It's just me." He squeezed my hand.

"Exactly why I DON'T want you up here. I look like a piece of shit and i haven't brush yet. Please go!!" I pointed t the door.

"IF I leave you have to go to school and not skip. Promise me."

"Fine." I sighed. Now go. Be gone. Exit the room."

"I get it. Bye babe. By the way, your boy shorts are fucking sexy. I agree, Mondays are for sleeping." My eyes grew wide and mentally slapped myself for sleeping in a tank top and underwear. I could feel my face grow red from embarassment. Fml.

"See you in fifteen mintues." I heard the door close, and his heavy feet walking away.

"Are you happy?! See dressed and in the car. Happy now!" I pouted as I buckled my seat belt. It was just me and Andy in The car. Everyone left about two minutes before we got into the car, taking my car.

"Glad. Ectatic. Can't believe my eyes. Surprised. Shocked. Amaz--"

"Dont be a smart ass!"

"I know. Let's face the crowd today. Rumors are already spreading about us." Andy backed out of the driveway.


"Some asshole took a pic at the club and posted it on the Internet."

"Oh well. It's true, we are dating, no point in lying."

"True." it grew silent after a while.

I was pretty confident about me and Andy. I dont love him, but I have feelings deep enough to show him off to everyone. I mean come on, I can't just like a guy after what not even a week of dating. Impossible!

"Let's go on a date." Andy said out of the blue. My head swiveled to him in shock. Date?


"Yeah that's what people who are dating usually do. Just thought you should know."

"Shut up daddy long legs."

"They are gazzel legs!" Andy mocked being hurt, then continued. "Anyway, yes or no on date night?"


"Why are you hmming?!"

"Trying to wonder what an actual date would be like with you. Are we going to a graveyard?" I joked.

"Oh you are so judgmental babe, stop hurting me. Anyway, I was just think a movie."

"hmm," I started again.

"Stoo hmmmmmmmming!"

"Just kidding! Sure I'd love to!"

"Awesome. Call me later and I will give you the deats."

"Totally cause we don't live in the same house." I laughed.

"We could live in the same room, and bed." I watched him wink at me. Laughing, he pulled into the school parking Lott, parked, and then got out.

Great people were already starting to look. Shit. I sighed and got out of the car as well looking around as I pulled my bag out.

"Andy, people are staring. Like a lot..." I shut my door and walked to the hood of the car waiting for Andy and his "gazel legs" to walk over to me.

"Who gives a shit? Give them something more to look at." Andy came around to me grabbing my hands. I looked around only to haven my face pulled back to Andy. He quickly leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips bending down more to reach my tiny height.

Yeah, now THAT really gave everyone something to look at.

Andy and I walked into Spanish with CC who trailed behind us. The three of us split up to our assigned seats, mine being next to the devil herself Tracy. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my spanish book flipping it open to our last lesson.

Yeah, the didn't really help, Tracy leaned over taking advantage to the fact that the teacher was on the school phone.

"So the bitch decided to date Andy! What is it for? Popularity? Money? Easy fuck?"Tracy glared and flipped her hair of her shoulder.

"Tracy I'm so sorry you have your reasons for wanting Andy mixed with mine! You should really get your facts straight." I slid my seat away from her. I caught eyes with Andy who winked at me making smile back.

"Listen slut, good luck trying to keep him yours. He'll come to me soon, just watch." Tracy brought my attention back to her.

"I think the fn STD you have has affected your brain cells. Cause you are obviously still fucking retarded. Andy doesn't want you or your fake ass body, so I think I should be the one saying good luck, cause it'll be a could chance in hell when he ditches me for you." I flipped her off and turned around.

Looking to the right of me, CC's mouth hung open before be smiled. I smiled back only to have him blow me a kiss which I ignored and face forward still smiling.



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