Becky, Your A Hot Mess

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Six more chapterss, my frans. So let's be franly and keep those votes up! 




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Chapter 14

Becky confessed to Ashley, said she loved him, he said he couldn't return the feelings, and it's been two days of Becky mopping around her house. She didn't even go to school, and Becky is all about grades. 

I have never seen Becky this bad, over a boy. I tried bringing her out of bed five times, and nothing works. Not the begging, book bribing, nothing. I miss her, school seems lonelier, even with Andy, who i haven't been spending much time with, since i was staying at Becky's house. 

Becky's mom doesn't even know why her daughter isn't attending school, or barely coming out of her room. She's asked me, but Becky begged me not to say anything.

"Becky, come on you have to get out of bed." I sat down next to her, and rubbed her back. She was awake, but she lay face down, not showing her face. I came back from school to see her clad out in sweats, the same one she has been wearing since the night she confessed to Ashley.


"Why? It's been two days, I miss you at school. Day's go slower without you!" I scooted closer to her, and poked her leg. "Becky."

She groaned in response."Stop poking me. I'm not getting out of bed." 


"Because, if I get out,  there's a chance of seeing Ashley, and I am not risking that embarrassment!" Her voice sounded muffled as she spoke.

I thought, then the idea popped into my head. "Becky!"

She sighed. "Yes, Emily."

"What do you think of a make over. You know, make Ashley miss what he could have had! You are a mess right now, but if we you know, bought some clothes, you could be hot! I mean, you are pretty now, but let's make you, sexy!" Yeah, that seemed to really got her going. Flipping over, and pushing herself up she smiled.

"Are you shitting me?" I raised a brow at her sudden language change. I suddenly felt like sixth graders, changing there looks for a guy.

"Um, no?"

"I love it! I love that idea!" She pushed herself from the bed and ran to the closet, sliding the doors open, and pulling jeans down. Keeping her shirt on, she tugged on the jeans and stuffed her hair in a ponytail.

"Why the sudden change of mood?" I questioned.

"I'm kinda tired of being the meek Becky, who can't get a guy. I think I should change up my look a little, plus, I'm kind tired of dressed like an eitgth grader." 

I thought about my plan some more. I would really have to get used to Becky looking different, as long as she didn't change her personality, I was up for it. 

"Okay, let's get money and go shopping." I stood up and grabbed my bag, following Becky outside of the door.

"Mom!" Becky yelled.

"Becky?" Becky's mom called back. We followed her voice to her bedrooom closet, where she was burried in the depths of laundry. Becky was more like her mom, quiet, smart, and responsible.

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