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Hey there guys!
I want to give a massive thanks to those of you who voted, and voiced your opinions!

How is everyone? Time change just happened so Thank You Jesus it get’s darker later!
If I am a bit delayed on updating, I do have an excuse cause tests are just being piled on my plate with the end of the year and graduation coming by.

>_< so please don’t hate me!

picture of Haley on the side and Picture of Olivia in previous chapter


Chapter 33


“Olivia, I’ll be right back! I’m gonna look for Andrew!” I scream in my new friends ear. Olivia, somehow over the loud music, hears me and nods her understanding. It’s 10, which means we’ll have to get home soon in order make curfew.

I push threw the intoxicated beings and search for my missing buddy.

“Andrew!” I yell over the music. Due to my size, I am a little incapable of actually seeing anyone over the mass of tall people. Grabbing the nearest chair, I stand on it in order to get a better a look. The strobe lights aren’t helping at all, but with the white flash of one, I notice something. From the corner of my eye, I see long spiked black hair, and a naked chest. I see an OUTLAW tattoo, and black aviators. Only for a moment.

My heart stops beating for a moment, and I am holding my breath like an angry child. My eyes are blinking rapidly and I am searching, hunting for those glimpses again. They are gone.

I am hallucinating again.

“Emily? What’s wrong? What are you doing?” I jump half out of my skin when I feel a warm hand nudge my leg. Andrew.

I look down at him puzzled. “I saw…I mean he was over there…”

But, Andrew is staring at me like I grew two heads before his face fades into understanding. Pity washes through his eyes faster than the black plague and he grabs my hand.

“You didn’t see anything, Em. They aren’t here, just come down before you hurt yourself.” He pulls on my arm gently, and his eyes are telling me not to fight him cause he knows he’s right. Looking back one more time, I step down, and Andrew is hugging me like he’s terrified I’ll combust. I’m afraid, too.

“It’s alright. The hallucinations will stop soon, you just have to stop thinking.”

But believe it or not I wasn’t thinking. I wasn’t thinking of Andy or Ashley or any of the boys. For ounce, I wasn’t thinking.

I nod my head in the crook of Andrews shoulder and sigh. “Can we go home?”

Despite my good night, it’s time to turn in.

“Sure, let’s tell Olivia so she doesn’t come looking for us.” Andrew pulls grips my hand and pulls me through the crowd and back to where I left Olivia.

She is dancing with Hunter, like his touch holds the key to life, and she needs it more than ever. And somehow, from someone who’s experienced being broken, I can tell Olivia has been hurt before. I don’t know how I can tell though, maybe it’s the way her eyes come together like she’s on the verge of crying or it’s the way her smiles doesn’t always meet her eyes, like she’s faking it.

“Hey killer, we are going to head out. She’s got curfew.” Andrew nods off to me when Olivia finally notices that we are there. Her eyes flash down to Andrew and mine’s hands clasped together, and a look of pain spreads across her face. Not soon after that, I can feel the air against my palm as Andrew let’s go.

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