Two Seconds Longer

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Chapter 24

 "Emily.” Someone is shaking me awake. Why? I don’t want to wake up. I don’t  even want to be alive. Who the hell would poke the bear?

 “Go away.” I pushed at the rough hands. Rough hands. Andy. Popping one eye open, I looked up above me, peering at his thin face leaning over me. Closing my eye again, I turned away from him, and onto the floor.

 “What the hell?! That hurt!” I groaned and rubbed my bottom. Now, I was awake. Taking in my surroundings, I notice we are still in the waiting room, I must’ve fallen asleep on the chairs. There are few people here, a blush rises to my pale cheeks as I see I’ve made a scene.

 “Why didn’t you wake me? People must think I’m deranged.” I slowly push myself to my feet and brush off my backside. “Time?”

 “Eleven. Becky’s awake if you want to talk to her.” Andy is practically dying right now. I can see it in his eyes, he’s thinking of my episode earlier. Great, now it’s in my head. Those hurtful words scarred into my brain. Just great.

 I give him a small smile. “That would be great.”

 “I’m going to go home to change, and pick up some lunch for us, while you talk to her. Text me if I’m taking too long. The doctor said to just tell the nurses when your ready.” He leans down and kisses my forehead, keeping his gaze on me like I am going to disappear. I can only stare at my ratty black converse touching the tips of his scruffy black motor boots. It’s quite the sight, I promise.

  “I love you.” He whispers.

  I smile down at my toes. “Love you, too. Don’t take too long.”



 “What are you doing here?” Becky’s soft voice hits my ears as I walk through the door of her hospital room. I frown at her words and walk over to the seat next to the bed.

“I came to see you, where else would I be?” I swallow hard. What now?

“Come on, don’t act like you don’t know what I was talking about. How was your one night stand?” She barks at me. My head shoots around the room before I remember it’s just the two of us, alone.

“One night stand? I didn’t—“

“Emily, I saw you leave with that guy. The blonde guy. Ashley told me how no one could find you all last night, how they searched for you all over the place. While the whole time you were with that guy. Do you know how shallow that is?” She’s out of breath when she finishes. Reaching for the glass of water on the table next to her bed she struggles. I get up to grab it for her but she only glares me down.

Sitting back down I fold my hands in my lap and look at her angry face. The wrinkle between her eyebrows has formed, its only there when she’s mad. A familiar feeling of shame washes over me and I sigh. When does all the bad stuff stop?

I try to explain myself. “Did you tell Ashley?”

“No. Did you tell Andy?” She takes a sip of the water she’s managed to snag off the table.

I shake my head no.

Her voice comes out a little softer. “I didn’t really expect you to. You feel guilty don’t you?”

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