Who's That Girl?

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You are probably wondering, why I keep updating so fast. Well, I shall tell you now. :D


I love this stoy, but guys it's taking me forever to right a short fan fic. And i have other plans for books, so I want to get this own done. UM, i'm going to delete maybe, two of my other books, because let's be honest.....they aren't going anywhere, well actually they are going in the trash can.

sowwy :( 

So, five more chapters for this book. It's coming to an end. Might, change the cover, totally unsure at the moment.  Going to Las Vagus tomorrow? For no reason, family is going everywhere. Half to Alabama, and half to Vagus. 

That'll be fun. 


And Stuff.

You don't care.

So I'll just start this chapter :)

Do I really have to holler =_=








Chapter 15

I stood outside the school, with Andy,  waiting for Becky to arrive. It was killing me inside to actually get to see what she put together. Her make up (which she harldy wore), shoes, clothes, hair, EVERYTHING.

My little Becky was growing up....so sad.

Andy nugged my forehead, bringing my face to his. We were leaning against the wall, so close to each other.

"Why are we out here again?" He asked for the billionth time. I sighed and ran my arms down his arms again.

"Cause, we are waiting for Becky. I already told you that."

He groaned. "Yeah, but Becky coming to school is nothing new. We didn't do this before."

"Andy, she's my best friend, and it's the first time she's coming to school since you know, telling Ashley she loved him. Give me a break." I glared. 

"Fine. Well, the bell is going to ring in ten minutes so she needs to hurry," he noted. 

"Okay, when have you cared about school?!" When he didn't answer I laughed. "Exactly."

Rolling his eyes, he pulled away from my face and stood up tall. "So what, I like walking around with you."

"So do-- Andy she's here!" Spotting Becky's truck, I ducked under Andy's arm, and stupidly ran into the parking lott, as Becky parked. Cars honked, and someone decided to say very bright words, and waved to me with one finger, a certain finger.

I jumped with glee, as Becky turned off her car, and reached behind her to grab her bag. When she finally opened the door. Yesterday, we went for an edgy vintage look, a lot of light pink, and black. 

When Becky finally got out of the car, I looked my best friend up and down. Her blond hair was perfectly wand curled, her make up was amazing,  eyeliner was black with wings and light light pink eyeshadow, foundation and blush, finished with clear gloss. 

She had black Doc Martens, tucked into black cottan jeans, paired with a light pink corset, and a black chocker. I raised my eye brows, staring at my shocking different looking best friend.

"Did I do good?" She questioned, her eyes big.

"A+! Look at you! You look hot!" I hugged her. 


I heard Andy coming up behind me. "Are you fucking insane! You ran in front of a moving car and--," he paused. "Becky? You look hot. No offense, Emily." 

We both stared back at him, then gave each other shocked looks. Yeah, that was the look we were going for.

"Is that why we waited outside? You could've said that, babe." Andy asked me. I shrugged and smiled back to my best friend.


"Is this all for Ashley?" He asked.

"Why would it be fore him?" Becky acted confused and cocked her head to the side.

"Wow, can we go now?" Andy asked. Eagerly, I nodded and the three of us walked into the school. The boys were all huddled near the cafeteria, where we met them. Becky pulled out her Ipod touch and stared at the screen, checking her emails.

It took a few moments for everyone to realize the girl standing next to me was Becky. There were a few intakes of the breathe, before someone spoke up. And it so happen to be Ashley.

"Becky you look, wow." He said. She slid her finger up on her screen before looking up. 

"Yeah, thanks." Then she went back to her phone. Go Becky! I thought mentally. Becky, was really keeping her cool.

"Damn! Becky you look sexy!" CC annouced. Becky smiled, looking up again.

"Thanks, CC. You look sexy to!" She joked. I looked at Ashley, whos jaw clenched. Button pushed, Ashley?

"I always do." CC flirted back. Jinxx cleared his throat.

"Sorry, little throw up came back up!" He excused.

"What! I always look sexy!" CC defended.

"He does!" Becky giggled. Yeah, we totally found a button. Ashley, rolled his eyes and looked the other way. Okay, that's enough for now.

"Becky, let's go to the bathroom. I have to talk to you......" I hauled her away to the girls bathroom.

Ashley's POV

"What the fuck was that about?" I asked, Andy.

"What makes you think that i know what's going on?" Andy replied. Fucking liar.  I narrowed me eyes at him.

"It's your girlfriend's best friend. You should know." I noted.

"Nope, no I dont. Never heard a word." Andy walked away, probably to wait for Becky and Emily.

"So, Becky looked hot" CC broke the silence that started when Ashley lefted.

He wasn't lying.


jes n.n 

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