Printed on the Inside of My Eyelids

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Showing some love cause I didn't update on Friday, and you guys deserve it <3

I am currently working on a new project, and it'll be posted soon so if you want go check it out! No, it's not a fan fic, but even if I think you'll enjoy it. Show some love and support, yeah?

Anyway sorry, again, for not updating on Friday, and once again THANKS FOR 1,000 votes, I know a bunch of other people have ten times as much votes and views but I am grateful for even ten.

Enough gibber gabber

Chapter 36

"So, what's the big deal about this 'formal' thing, Becca was talking about?" Olivia takes a seat next to me on the steps of the backyard porch. Andrew and Becky are stuck watching some romance movie I didn't care to watch.

"Becky." I correct her and clasp my hands together in my lap. I really need to drop this habit. I am taking up one stair, my legs sprawled across it as I lean against the stair railings. "I don't know. We've kind of been the wallflowers of the school for the past years, and no one has really noticed her so, she's kind of excited to go. Ecstatic really, she practically dropped dead when we walked into the dress shop the other day." I shrug, the image of the white dress hanging on the rack.

"Ah, the classic underdog rises to the top story? Why aren't you going? Does it have something to do with a certain rock star?" She eyes me knowingly. A hint of a smile threatens to spread across my face but I force it down.

"It has everything to do with a certain rock-star. I don't know, I say I'm fine but I just can't go to a stupid dance where couples are being couplely like I once was with him. I've just came to terms with the fact that he's not coming back, but that doesn't mean I am going to start dating and seeing other people. I need to adjust." Pulling my sweater closer, I spare a glance at her. Her gaze is at the sky, watching the stars watch us.

"You want my advice?"

"If you have any?"

She grins up at blanket of darkness hovering above us. "I always have advice, or 'opinions' as Andrew calls it. Anyway, I think you definitely are not over him, but you have come to the fact that he's not coming back. That being said, not to be rude, but he left you not the other way around. You are allowed to try new things, and date new people. You can't stay in one place forever cause he decided to make a stupid decision. You need to live more."

"I am li-"

"No, you're floating, getting by. Living, is being free like the other night. It's letting your hair down and not giving a fuck about anyone else." Her voice falters a little bit and I know she is talking about herself more than me.

"Sounds like your talking about yourself?" I whisper. She blinks, and you can see the tear fall down her pale cheeks in the moonlight.

Sighing, her lips quiver. "I miss her, Haley I know Andrew told you what happened, and its fine. Next week is supposed to be her death date, brings out the inner emotions in me. Aha, I don't really cry in front of people I hardly know, but we are kind of in the same boat. I know you've lost a lot more than me, but losing your best friend kind of make up for a lot." She drops her head into her hands and weeps. I don't know it, but tears are running down my hot cheeks as she talks.

"It hurts, losing someone, but eventually, I don't know how long, you'll learn to move on. Hell, I'm still learning how to move on. It make no difference if they died or left, the fact of the matter is you won't see them again, depending on the situation. It's like a hole is stuck in your heart, and it takes forever to heal, but in time, it will."

She is sobbing now, and I feel the need to hug her to ease some pain. So I do. I move from my spot below her and wrap my arms around her tiny shoulders.

"What's funny is that I should be telling Andrew about this, but it's not always easy talking to a guy about this stuff. They aren't as emotional, whether or not they lost someone. Plus, I feel like I depend too much on him. He has his own problems, and he's always listening to me and to you and everyone. He's such a nice guy, I don't know why Haley would ever want to hurt him like that." She wipes her tears and sits up straight.

"I agree, for now on come to me if you need someone to talk to. Promise?"

"Fine. But you have to promise me something."


"Go to that stupid formal thing."

"I can't." I shake my head and stand to my feet.

"Please, she wants you to go, and you never know if that'll be your best friend's last request." Olivia hugs herself and looks up at me with so much hope in her eyes.

"I think about it."

"I'll take that answer over no."

Andy's POV

"Where the fuck did you go?" Jinxx is the first one to make his appearance know when I stumble through the front door, clearly intoxicated.

"She looked happy till I ruined her fucking day again. Where the fuck have you been, Jinxx?" I throw my keys at his feet and flip him off. Ashley wonders into the room now, a skinny blonde on his hip. She eyes me up and down, only earning a glare from me, no one can look at me except for Emily. Emily.

I need another drink.

"I've been here with everyone else. Did you drive drunk?" Like he can talk, Jinxx get's drunk after a third beer. It took me five bottles to get this way. I need six to feel complete, maybe seven.

I take a step forward, tripping over invisible air. "So what if I fucking did. I deserve it, dicks drive drunk. I need a beer, or two." Pushing past them all I head to the mini fridge our hotel holds. No doubt the boys already restocked the fridge.

"Ew." I hear the blonde whisper as my stench waves past her.

"Why the fuck is she here?" I turn on the heel of my boot and point at the ugly bitch. The room spins, only for a minute.

"Andy, you're a mean drunk. Go to bed before you say anything you regret."

"Only thing I regret is leaving her." I blurt out. Quiet for a minute, I grunt and turn away from their sympathetic stares. Fuck them.

Finally, I crack open a bottle of Bud Light chugging it down without a hesitation. The image of her face as I left her flashes through my mind. I grab another, chug it down and think about her again. I can feel everyone's stare on the back of my head and I couldn't care less.

After my tenth bottle of the night, I am exauhsted. With a heavy head, and even heavier heart, I stumble to my room, leaning on the wall for support. Throwing my door in, I barely make it to my bed before I collapse.

Shoes and day clothes still on, I drift off to sleep, her face-with every tiny detail-printed on the inside of my eyelids, as if she's the only thing I can see.

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