Everyones Fucking Sorry

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You all must really hate me for leaving the last chapter like that and then delaying the update *evil face*

I really am sorry though, do you know how tough it is thinking of a way to form the ending in a way that makes sense? I want you guys to feel so many things when you read the ending whether its happy or extremely pissed, but hey Im okay with both as long as you feel something!

On top of that my weeks has been a nonstop marathon of busy ass episodes *tired face*

IN REMINDER: I do have a book coming out RIGHT AFTER this one ends so please, for the love of your ending, check it out. It's not going to be the most fantastic beginning (like this book) but I know you guys will love it if you stick to it! I already have about ten chapters written up, thats how much it means to me so please go check it out.

Three more chapters left

Chapter 47

Andy's POV

When I hear her voice the first thing I want to do is throw up. Not because she disgust me, but because the thought of her sitting whereever she is, listening to the song that took the life from me, utterly terrifies me. I wonder what she thought when she heard my voice. I wonder if it made her heartache like hers did to mine.

Next to me, the talk show host, Mike, awaits my response as well as the rest of the audience, if only they knew who was on the other line.

"Andy?" She repeats my name again and I wish she would stop. Stop staying my name before I come undone and beg her to take me back, but I can't cause what if she's moved on.

"I'm here." I grab the mic and answer. The difference between this break up and the other, is this time I expected it. I knew she wasn't going to take it well, but I had hope she wouldn't let the distance ruin everything we'd been through. Maybe my hope was enough.

"Okayyy, sweetheart, can I get the name of the girl behind the voice?" Mike glancs at me like I've grown to heads.

"Emily, my name is Emily." Her name is Emily, and she's The Mortician's Daughter. She's everything that's wrong with me and everything that's right.

"What a cute name! Emily, is there anything you would like to say to Andy."

"I would like him to know I'm sorry," she sighs before continuing,"I'm sorry I let my fear get in the way of everything. I'm sorry I was so selfish and I'm sorry we both gave up so easily."

Mike has gone quiet, I think he's finally put two and two together.

I'm silent for a moment think over the bomb she just dropped on me in front of everyone. I glance sideways to the window on the side of the room where the guys stand speechless. They've heard it all appearently.

My mind is a jumble of words and thoughts I can't decipher through, so I leave my brain at the door and let my mouth say what it wants.

"I-I'm sorry too." As soon as the words come out my mouth I want to shove them back in the same place they came out of. I'm sorry? You can say everything on your mind just like she did, but you chose I'm sorry. Are you fucking serious?

"Did I--is it--can we start over? I hate this. I hate not being with you and I hate that I didn't believe in you enough to stay. But I do now, trust me, I do. I just needed time to get my thoughts together." Her last words are a whisper likes she's realized that we are still live. By now, Mike is totally engrossed in this soap opera, he's even popped a soda can open. Ass.

"You'd risk it? You'd put your fears aside?" I ask.

"Of course, I have faith in you; in us. I just want a afresh start, no past drama." Emily seems determind as her voice doesn't falter once.

Could it work? Starting new? We could act like the drama never happened, but we would still know. You can forgive but you can't forget. Yet, I want her so bad and nlt mess it up again. I want to know that she is mine and not fear her being with someone else.

Although, before I can answer the line goes silent.

"Fuck." Mike curses pressing buttons and slipping on head phones.

"What the hell just happened?" I yell diving for my phone. I call her phone, but it goes straight to voicemail.

"Everything is fine on our side, her phone must've died." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry."

Everyone is fucking sorry these days.

Emily's POV.

My phone died.

Of all the moments of my life, it had to die now. I hate everything.

Throwing my cell in the seat next to me, I unlock the car, and sprint to the house. Luckily, the door is already unlocked letting me throw it open.

"Dad!" I yell running up the stairs to his room. I reach it in no time and break into the bedroom where I find my father haunched over the computer.

"Emily? In the name of Jesus, what is going on?!" He pushes his seat back and gives me a once over checking for anything that might cause me pain.

"I need to go. I need to go to him and fix everything. I need this, for me." I pant running my hands through my hair.

His face has gone blank before it forms into anger.

"No. I'm not letting you do this. I don't want him in your life." He's pushed out of his chair now, advancing towards me in a pissed manner.

"It's not about you! Nothing is about you when it involves him and I! This is my life, and this is my love story! Just because you fucked up yours, doesn't mean mine has to end the same." I know I shouldn't have sad that but right now, I'm using everything I have.

Although, the worst feeling in the world is seeing your parents look at you like you've raised hell and killed a family of five. The dissapointed look.

"I'm sorry, gosh I'm so sorry. But you can't keep me from doing this, I'm more miserable without him than with him. I don't want my life to be boring and rehearsed like it is right now, I'm not a robot. I want excitement and something to commit to and he gives me all of those!" For a moment my knees are week so squat and hold my head in my hands before popping back up.

"Then why are you here? If everything is going to go your way then why the hell are you asking me?"

"Because you are my dad and I want both of you in my life. I don't want to give up either of you. I want to come home and tell you about touring with him and what I've seen on the road." My voice has drawn to a dry and desperate one.

His only response it to stare at me for a long five years before answering. "The worst fear in a parents life is to see their child unhappy. All I want, all I need, is for you to be happy. I don't like seeing you hurt like you were. It kills me to see you cry, to see you go back to that place."

"Then let me go. Let me go to him and be happy and then come back to you and make you lunch while we watch re-runs of Twilight just because you hate it. Let me have you both surround me with your love, please."

Again, he stares at me searching for a sign of resistance.

"Fine. Don't make me regret this."

"You won't, trust me."

"I wouldn't let you go if I didn't. Where exactly are you going?"

"Um I'm not sure but I know someone who is."

The Morticians Daughter (Black Veil Brides fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now