Cinderella Pt. 3

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Seeing how I have no life at the moment, and have been wondering around the house bored out of my life, I figured why not write the next chapter to this lovely book.


Chapter 40


Becky you burned my scalp!” I cry out as Becky curls yet another lock of my hair, and then pinning it to the side of my head. For the past hour my ass has been planted in one spot in front of my mirror, while Becky assembled my hair and make up. With a robe tied tightly around my body, Becky has yet to show me my dress.

“I’m sorry but it’ll all pay off in the end! Stop squirming I’m almost…done!” She finishes and tilts my head up to look in the mirror, the whole time she forced me to look down at my lap. 

The girl staring back at me in the mirror was absolutely gorgeous. Her make up was simple aside for the deep red lipstick that electrified her whole face. Her skin was almost white as porcelain but the shimmers of bronze eye shadow brought some color to her face, that and the very light blush littering her cheeks. This girls hair wasn’t shoved in a messy bun like usual, instead half was pinned to the side of her head and the other half flowing down her back like a waterfall of black liquid. Her eyes popped with shock and astonishment. She was gorgeous, but something was missing, something that would’ve brought more life into her almost dead eyes.

“Wow, Becky…it’s amazing…” I am at a loss of many words as I stare back at the unrecognizable person in the mirror. Becky bites her fingers as we both study my reflection.

“Do you like it?” She questions. I nod and smile, my teeth almost blinding against the red lipstick.

“I love it, it’s incredible…I’m speechless…” My mind begins to wonder off into the forbidden where a boy with long black hair and tall gazelle legs stood, but I quickly pulled myself out of that place before it spoiled my night.

Tonight was dedicated to Becky and only Becky.

She grips the back of the chair and spins me around to where I am facing the bed where to lone boxes wait. “Okay, it’s time for the dress! Now, I know you’re not used to glamorous things and neither am I, but I think this dress really brings out your complexion. It’ll really make your lipstick stand out too! Close your eyes!”

I obey and shut my make up loaded eyelids closed, waiting for the okay to open them. I head the boxes open and shuffling of gift wrapping paper, which makes me curious as to how expensive the dress was.

“Becky you didn’t spend all your money on this did you?” I ask through closed lids. There is a moment of silence before she answers. “I didn’t, Andrew did.”

I suck in a breath of air filled with anger? Astonishment? I’m not quite sure.

“No he didn’t. Why how much did it cost?” I begin to regret going to this thing, especially knowing I didn’t contribute anything to the cost of the dress or shoes.

“A couple hundred. Emily, just take the dress. He said it wasn’t a strain on his wallet turns out he’s kind of loaded. Plus, he wanted to see you happy just like the rest of us, you’re worth a million dollars Emily.” Her voice is sincere holding as much truth as it can. Her words touch my heart and I force myself not to cry.

“Just show me the dress already.” I chuckle, changing the subject so I don’t get emotional.

“Okay open!” She cheers. My eyes flutter open and my breath leaves my body.

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