Pizza Play Time

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Chapter 4

"This has got to be the longest day every, Becks." I complained into the phone. I've been waiting for this day to end right when it started. After school, the boys went in there car -thank God- and I went to mine, as they followed me to the house. Turns out, dad really did clean out all the guest bedrooms in our big lonely two story house. As soon as everyone got home, we all went our separate ways. I don't think it was humanly possible to see me, as I ran top speed to my bedroom.

The headache I got from the lunch concert, still lingered. Through out the whole day, people kept following us where every we went. In P.E. girls younger and older than me would do their push ups in front of Jake and Jinxx. 

Andy and Ashley, were touched every corner we turned, and finally by the end of the day CC stopped talking about some girl who tried to rip his shirt off. Becky took it pretty lightly for a crazed fan, but still she gawked at them, mostly Ashley.

"I know, Emily, but won't you just give them a chance, they didn't do anything to you." Becky said softly. I rolled my eyes and slid of my bed, walking over to the window.

"Except for making my high school life harder. Some girl from Tracy's clique cornered me in the girls restroom, said she would slowly rip my hair out if I ever touched Andy. Like that will happen, Andy's probably the worst one out of all of them. Did I tell you what happened in art today?"

"Yeah, when we were in the hallway during lunch you told me, then in P.E. you cursed about it, and then right before I left you very harshly mentioned again."

"Oh, well, thanks for listening and can you come over today, maybe sleep over too? I really don't think I can survive the night, and dad is working late." I turned around and leaned against the window, cupping my elbow.

"Hell, yeah!" Becky answered fast.

"Okay....hey can you pick up some pizza on the way here?"

"Sure, should I pick up some sodas too?"

"I don't mind--" I stopped mid sentence when I heard a crash from downstairs. "Becky I have to go now bye!" I hung up tossing the phone on the bed, and ran out of the room. When I got to the kitchen, I stopped in my tracks. 

"What in the world are you doing?!" I yelled. There was a puddle of liquid on the ground, laying under some glass. CC and Jake were standing over it.

"Jinxx threw a beer bottle at me!" CC yelled pointing to Jinxx, who was standing by an open fridge door.

"We don't even have any beer! Jinxx why'd did you do that!"

"Because he said 'Jinxx throw me a beer,' so it was his fault. Plus he sucks at catching."

"Again we don't have any beer here!" I threw my hands up walked to the drawer where the white rags were.

"I know, Andy bought some while you were upstairs, an hour ago." Jake said. I looked at the direction his was pointing to. Andy was perched on the couch with a cigarette in his hand reading a Rolling Stones magazine. His feet sat on my mothers coffee table, next to, a beer.

"Andy!" He didn't look up from his magazine, but took a drag of his cancer sticks."Same no smoking rules, apply here as well. Where's Ashley?" I demanded.

"Somewhere." Andy replied.

"Ow!" CC yelled.


"I just stepped on glass."

"If there's glass in the middle of the floor, you aren't supposed to step in it!"

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