Andy Andrew Annnnn

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I am not sure what chapter this even is but I am pretty confident that it is chapter 21.

ANYWAY hey guys, long time no update. I have not touched my create box since I gave my computer to my little brother and got a new laptop, so my apologies.

Its getting closer and closer to the end of this book! And I am itching to get it done because I have an ending mapped out in my head! Don't know when I am going to update because I have school and those grades don't make itself.

Happy Thanksgiving by the way, or Turkey day as my friends call it. What are you guys doing this Holiday.

Who's going Black Friday shopping?! Lord knows I am :0

Ok I will let you read now.

15 votes till next chapter!






Chapter 21.

I have never been so drunk in my life. Then again, most of my life has been spent in the comfort of the library or my bedroom.

I am not even sure how many drinks, my mouth has sucked down. Lost count after five. But I am positive about one thing, I am drunk to the max.

Andy has to now support my weight and it would totally be shameful if I was sober, but right now I can't think straight, or walk.

"I want another one, Sandyyyyy!" I pout and raise my hand for the weightress to come again. Andy grabs my arm, yanking it down to my side again. "Fiesty!"

"I think I like you sober. Your less of a handfull."

"You're supposed to love me at my worst." I tickle his side and grin up at him. I must look like shit cause he's frowning now. "What now?"

"You're breath reeks of alcohal." He's turning my face now and the room is spinning, suddenly.

I frown. "You're mean. I need to find, Becky. Be right back. Watch me walk!" I pur in his ear and push away from him in the direction Becky dissapeared to a while ago. Tripping, I fail at looking sexy, and the room spins again. Oh shit, stay on your feet, Emily.

Locating Becky by the girls restroom I hug her from behind.

"I love you!" I shout over the loud music. Becky isn't drunk like I am. In fact, she looks as sober as can be. That, and she doesn't look at all happy.

"What's wrong Becky?" I pull away from her and gaze questionably down at her.

"How about what's wrong with you? This isn't you." She points at me, her eyes looking me up and down. Suddenly I am mad. Maybe it's the alcohal, maybe it's sober me, but something about her words pissed me off.

"Oh, like that is really you! You changed everything, for a guy? The real Becky would be at home studying not pelvis thrusting every guy she meets cause she thinks she's hot. Don't talk to me bout real!" I glare at her and march off into the crowd of half naked underaged teens. I try to pull out my phone, but someone knocks it out of my hand, dropping it into the floor among the thousands of feet.

"Shit!" I curse and drop to my legs looking for my stupid phone. Patting around on the nasty floor, coated with gum and grime, I search for my phone. A five inch heel came pounding on my hand making me scream in pain. God dammit. I pull my hands to my chest and use my legs to stand up, giving up with the damn phone.

"Aye, are you okay?" I glance up from the red mark imprinted on the middle of my hand. The voice carrying a heavy english accent belongs to a tall, tan, and blond guy, not much older than me by the looks of it.

The room sways.

"Mmm, yeah. Fine," I mumble. He is still standing in front of me, a frown plastered on his face. "Who are you?"

"I am taking you for a breather, I think your about to throw up."

"I don't know you. You could be a murder for all I know." I can't help the glare that made its way to my face. Even as the words come out of my mouth, there really is no meaning to them. I'm sure I am fine, and not going to end up with my brain across the room by the end of the night. Maybe my lunch,but not anything severe.

 "Trust me, if I was a murderer I would've killed you by now. Big crowd, no one would notice."

"Don't you know your facts." My stomach growled in protest to the alcohol I consumed. I bent forward afraid I would throw up on his face if I didn't go now.

"Right, let's get you outside." Without my consent, Tall Blond grabbed my hand, pushing me in front of him, making sure I made it outside.

For a while I had forgotten about Andy, Becky, my dad, everyone. I was only focused on my lunch making it's way up my throat. But where are they? I wonder if they are missing me right now? I know Becky isn't, apparently I am a fake.  Andy probably isn't either, he doesn't like this drunk side of me. And dad is doing God knows what with, whats her face. So no one really cares.

"Whats your name anyway?" I yell back at Tall blond when we reached the enterance of the club.

"Andrew." Oh wow, that was unexpecting. I whip my head around to look at him.

"You are joking right?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No, I am Andrew. You are?"

"Emily. So your name is actually Andrew, your not shitting me right now?"

"Thats what it says on my birth certificate." 

Why does his name hav to be Andrew. I have enough Andrews in my life, well one, but one is enough. Although, who says he's gonna be in my life? I stumbled over the threshold to the door and that was it. I could already feel the fuzzy feeling in my mouth.

"Uggghhh..." I hinted to Andrew what was about to happen if we didn't move fast. He pulled me to the side of the building next to the huge garbage can before I let all the contents out of me mouth. Holding my hair back he waited for me to finish before speaking.

"Hey, my car is just right there, I can drop you off at your home if you'd like."

"No, don't want to go home. Anywhere, but home."

"There's a bowling alley across the street."

"You want to take me to a bowling alley after I barfed half of my weight out?"

He smiled. "Why not/?"

Is this some kind of trick question. "I don't know you."

"Exactly why we should go, I won't judge you for whoever you were before, or judge you for getting drunk cause that's the only side of you I know. I'll take you home right after, or any where you weant to go after that." Andrew holds a hand out waiting for me to take it. 

I don't know if its his smile or his words, but I find myself slipping me hand in his. And we leave, me with no phone, and no brain, and him, with a clueless, hopeless, helpless girl.

We'll see how this goes.


Short chapter, love me or hate me for what happend in it. Had to leave with something.


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