Melancholy Feelings

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We meet again young Jedi (Plural)! I write this as I catch up with the Vampire Diaries, seeing how school is taking away my prime time life. While contemplating why Delena is even happening and Stelena isn’t(for now), I’m seriously brain storming the end of this book. I have like five scenes playing out in this brain of mine, and each can wrap up this book with a cherry on top!

A lot of you want to know if Andily is gonna happen again, and while I want to spill my guts I can’t, cause I love anticipation. What I can tell you is you will all be satisfied!

Enough rambling

May the odds be ever in your favor!


Chapter 37

Andy’s POV


I wake up with a fucking headache the fucking size of fucking Texas.

Fuck the fucking headache and fuck the fucking alcohol running through my fucking blood.


“You know, I could open those blinds and torture you for being such a dick yesterday.” Jinxx warns from somewhere near the end of my bed. I groan and throw the blanket off my head.

“Go ahead, not like I can hurt anymore than I already do.” I give him a blank stare, which is returned with the shrug of shoulders.

“Ok well you may not give a damn about living, but some of us actually have to make a living. So get your ass up and out of bed, man.” And with that, he leaves.

Fuck everyone.

Emily’s POV


“Don’t forget to pick up your formal tickets by Friday, you will not be accepted in without out them and we don’t do purchases at the door!” The speaker announces in the lunch hall on Thursday. I roll my eyes in annoyance seeing how ‘Formal’ is the only thing anyone has been talking about for the past week, including Becky.

“You know it not too late to go, Emily we—“

“Yes, it is, Becky.” I cut her off in irritation before picking at my cold fries. She sighs and leans her head on her new boyfriend, Zach’s, shoulder. Her being so talkative makes up for his lack of words, making them a fairly tolerable couple.

“You could go stag.”

“Or, I could not go at all.” Despite my somewhat of a deal with Olivia, I can’t pull through with the idea of going to prom, single or not.

Scooting out of my chair I grab my tray and toss my left overs in the garbage. Since you know who left we haven’t sat anywhere near our old table, and now insist on taking the corner of the lunch room right next to the garbage can. No matter how much easier this is getting, I still can’t sit next to where he sat, too much memories.

“I am going to the library to grab a few books before school ends. I’ll see you later. Zach.” I nod at the blonde mouse and head towards the cafeteria entrance.

 The thing is, even if I wanted to go to the stupid formal, I don’t have a dress, shoes, or even the slightest hint of make up for those events. Nor have I bought a ticket, or a date (pretty sure that’s the only way someone would want to go out with me in this town) (besides Andrew) and if I didn’t go with a boy I would go with Becky who already has a date; I don’t feel like third wheeling.

“Hey dumb ass, what where your going.” An unappealing voice snaps me out of my even more unappealing thoughts, making me jump in surprise.

Tracy Shields and her fake ass boobs stands before me, nose pinched and all. We have grabbed everyone attention in the middle of the cafeteria, and I can already see everyone waiting glances. Clearing my throat I man up and bite my tongue.

“Excuse me.”

“No, excuse me. Did you find a date for formal, or did the one person who cared for you leave you before it even happened? Actually, he didn’t care for you, I heard he only wanted you for you body. I can’t understand why, you look like a flat chested second grader.” She sneers, looking me up and down.

My temper rises as I clench and unclench my hands. Do not punch the bitch in her hundred thousand dollar nose.

“You know what, I’m sorry you fell from the top of the slut tree and banged every guy on the way down, only to be hit by the harsh reality that you still aren’t as important as you think you are. Now get the fuck out of my way before I pull half of your ‘hair’ out of your head.” I threaten not knowing where all of that came from. Her face is worth a million dollars—shocked, hurt, and a little pissed—but I don’t wait to here her reaction and push past her.

By now, everyone is roaring in laughter at our little outbreak. But I don’t feel good or relieved; I played her game and stooped to her level of bitch.


“That was amazing!” Becky bursts through my front door after school to see me lying in the middle of the floor in starfish position. She pauses, setting her keys on the entry table and then leans over me in confusion. “What are you doing?”



“Everything.” I do not feel like giving her long explanations at the moment.

While driving home after school, my brain turned itself on overdrive, thinking about formal, him, Olivia, Andrew, Becky, dad, mom,  Tracy, everything. There was only one other time Becky found me like this, except last time I lay on the hood of my car with a box of pizza in the middle of the garage.

“I thought you were fine?” She’s obviously figured out one of my thoughts. Andy.

“Well, I am not. I think.”


“I mean, I have come to terms that he’s not here but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss him like hell.” I sigh in defeat and cover my eyes with one arm. I hear the thud of Becky’s shoes on the floor, and a moment later she is lying next to me in starfish position. Reaching for my hand, she clasps hers in mine and sighs with me.

“And you have every right too. Just know that I am here for you, and I know you are thinking about him a lot right now, but please don’t hurt yourself over it.” She whispers loud enough for me to hear before squeezing my hand.

“I wish he would run through the door, and we could act like nothing happened. Like I never said those stupid words and he never left. I just want things to go back to normal.”

“What if this is our normal?”

“Then normal, is boring.”

And with my last to words, a tear travels down the side of my face, caring the melancholy feelings in my heart.

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