Feels Like Nothing and Everything

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Sitting in the middle of my evil layor typing this book.

Count Down to TMD Ending starts here.

9 more chapters left.

BTW I want to thank you all for your lovely (yet bossy jk) comments on the last chapter! I do try to get to every comment when I have free time cause I know what its like to want to talk to one of the authors from a book your reading, believe me I know!

I can't promise to get to every ones comment but I want you guys to know that i do read EVERY comment and sometimes they make me laugh, so keep that in mind! Also I want to remind you that I AM NEVER RUDE IN MY REPLYS if something I say sounds rude I AM VERY SARACASTIC and my laptop, sadly, doesn't not have emoji (plus i dont think it shows up on wattpad)

Sometimes I do pick random people from the commenters and dedicate a chapter to them so don't be surprised if you get a chapter dedicated to you!

Enough chit chat...

Chapter 41

Do ever get the feeling like you’ve lost all control of your body? Like you stop breathing and you have absolutely no control over your respiratory system, or your blood just stops pumping making your whole body numb?

If you haven’t experienced that, I’ll tell you what it feels like.

It feels like nothing and everything.

You physically feeling nothing, but mentally you feel everything. You feel pain and loss and love and lust and loathe, you feel the struggle and the defeat. You feel everything, all while doing nothing.

It’s as if I stepped out of my body and I am just a soul with emotions, watching my outer shell freeze like a Popsicle and stare blankly at the most beautiful God-created-art, in the world. Art so beautiful it hurts to look at.

My outer shell watches a boy with blond hair and a familiar name push past me and strive to help an angry girl with a gorgeous blue dress on, push the beautiful art with black hair further and further away from me.

Then it hits me hard.

This piece of art left me high and dry without so much as a letter. When the going got tough he left, leaving me with the idea that I was such a horrible being. I had experienced wanting to be nothing but another lifeless body six feet under, I had cried so many tears I never knew I had. I slit my wrist for him. I starved myself to feel something.

Yes I said things I shouldn’t have said, but he left.

“She doesn’t need you here!”  Andrew pushes against Andy, causing him to nearly topple over.

But I do. I do need him here. This is putting everything into place.

“You’ve done enough, Andy.”

You’ve done so much.

“Let me talk to her. Let me fucking talk to her!” He jabs a long finger in my direction, eyes blazing and chest heaving.

Please, talk to me. Or don’t, you’re good at not saying anything.

“You could’ve talked to her the last two weeks but you didn’t! You had your fucking chance, leave!” Please, don’t go. No, leave. Leave like you did before.

A crowd has formed around us now, the music has stopped and everyone looks back and forth between Andy, Becky, Andrew, and I, waiting to see what happens next.

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