Last Minute

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Its Finally Summa! Congrats on all my graduating fans whether it’s from high school, college, or eighth grade, you made it!

Although, because of summer its going to be really hard to update, my summa is really packed, trying to get time in with all my friends before we split up for school and will only be able see each other on vacations, so I will try to update on any free time I have!

Until then

Six more chapters left!


Chapter 44


“Your crazy.” Becky stares at me as we sit at her kitchen table munching on whatever we could find in the kitchen.

“No, I’m not. I’m giving it a try again, we all saw how bad it got when we weren’t together!”

“And we all saw how good you were getting when you tried moving on!” Her tiny fist, crush a Dorito in her wrath. I sigh in annoyance. “Stop sighing, you know I’m right!”

“No I don’t, Becky! I know that I’m happier with him than without, I know that he’s got more life in his eyes when were together, and I know that you’re my best friend but not acting like one.” I can’t help but raise my voice. Why the hell does everyone seem to think they can control my life? They aren’t even living it. It hasn’t even been one full hour and Becky has to bring this up. I get up to poor myself a fresh cup of coffee; Becky only follows me.

Sitting on the counter, she continues her rant. “Actually, I am! Friends don’t let friends date their ex’s after said ex left them cause he got his feelings hurt! And best friends don’t let best friends even think about even talking to said ex.”

I guess now would be a pretty good time to bring up last nights events, I mean it’s not like it’s going to change her mood. I turn away from her and watch the coffee machine drip black goodness into my cup so I don’t have to look at her when I tell her.

“Becky, we slept together last night.”

Andy’s POV


“She kicked you out?” I pull up to Becky’s driveway to see Emily standing with a cup of coffee in her hands and a sad expression thrown across her face. Nodding, she opens the car door and slides in.

“Yeah, huge fight. I told her about last nights events and it didn’t end well, she told me and I quote ‘to let myself out in two seconds before she completely loses it and to call her when I come back from vacation.’” She slams the door shut and rolls her eyes before we take off.

“Looks like I’m at the top of everyone’s list today.” I note and pull out of the driveway.

I honestly don’t blame her friends and family being so hostile to me, I was the one who left for two weeks, and I’m also the one to leave again. They have every right to hate me; hell I hate me.

But I’m having a hard time staying away from her, the last two weeks were shit, but even though it hurts to say it, I love my fans more than anything, and she can’t ask me to give up on them. Without them, we would have never met, or kissed, or made love, without them I wouldn’t have her. But, without them I wouldn’t have Black Veil Brides, and they come first.

“Where are we going now?”

“I still have to get changed so if you want, you can go with me back to my hotel with the boys and just hang out there for a while.” I spare a glance at her and my fingers twitch, aching to pick up a cigarette to calm my nerves. Every hour we get closer to parting my nerves start to jump, and every time I have to remind myself that she doesn’t like smokers.

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