Ghostly Goodbyes.

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For those of you who don't have a valentines, will you be my valentine? my gift to you is this chapter and a request that you shower yourselves with tons of chocolate and remember that your day is coming soo enough!  <3

Its okay I don't have one either, BUT i do have a twitter for you guys to follow! List your twitter usernames in the comments below or in my direct messages and I will follow each and everyone of you!

Hope everyone has a lovely day and without futhur ado: 

Chapter 27

I don't actually know where I am going to, but I do know it doesn't involve Andy. 


I messed everything up. I let my stupid emotions get to me and look where we are now. If I had a phone I know it would going off non-stop. Why in the world would I tell him I don't love him when I clearly do. I love him so much, but I've let long distance get to me before it even started.

Driving while crying isn't the smartest choice, but I guess today isn't full of smart choices anyway. Halfway between the town and the next one over, I feel a pop in my tire and am forced to pull over. Instead of getting out of the car to look at it I just sit there and cry, my head resting on the steering wheel. 

I cry for the fact that I hurt Andy for no reason. I cry for the fact that he is leaving tomorrow and we are already broken. I cry for the fact that we are broken. I cry for the fact that I can't keep a muzzle over my mouth.

A knock at my window, stops my hypervenalating and I shoot up expecting someone with a gun. Instead, Andrew, from the night before is standing with a frown on his face, outside me window. I wipe my face, ridding it of tears.  I doubt it works, cause I can tell my eyes are swollen.

Rolling down the window I offer a small smile, one that doesn't reach my eyes, but at least it's something.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that?" I scold in the quietest voice.

"Whats wrong?" He ignores my remark. I look down at my lap and then look through the front window at nothing in particular. 

"Such a long story."

From the corner of my eye I can see him gazing at the direction I am staring at and then back to my face. "Does it have something to do with that rockstar boyfriend of yours?" 

"It has everything to do with that rockstar boyfriend of mine. Although, you can say the blame is kind of on me." I sigh. He opens the driver door and just stands there.

"What are you doing?"

"Now what kind of gentleman would I be to let you drive in the state your in. Plus, your tire is flat. I'll drive you down to the coffee shop about a mile back and we can sit and chit chat about your rockstar boyfriend and how you screwed everything up." He shruggs. "I have three sisters and they all agree that coffee and complaining are the best way to get over anything in life. Even boys. So get out of the car, I'll call a towing company to pick up your car." 

After staring at him for a good five seconds, I pull the keys from the igniton. "I don't have any money with me."

"My treat."

"So, what the hell did you do that made yourself cry?" Andrew sips on his coffee, straight black, and stares at me. I close my eyes and when I open them, I launch into the events of this afternoon in very precise detail. The whole time he just stares at me and for a moment I think I am talking to a wall, but shake the thought out of my mind when he knits his eyebrows together as I reach the end of my rant.

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