Breathing Breaths Pain Free

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We meet again young Jedi’s!

*Cue violin music* *also cue my tear jerking speech*

Every ounce in a while I go through The Mortician’s Daughter and read through the chapters as if I hadn’t written them, and I just want to say We (me, you, Emily, and the BVB boys) have come such a far way! I’m gonna be completely honest and say I am a little embarrassed of my writing when I first started this, it was too rushed and a little kidish but you guys seemed okay with it so I have no regrets!

And I Wouldn’t have made it this far without my lovely readers, commenters, voters, etc. You all remember when this book was supposed to stop about seven or six chapters ago? That did not happen at all, aha, I kept it going cause I have become apart of this book, emotionally and physically, some of you have too I believe, so stopping at 25 would’ve been a waste of adventure!
Although I don’t want the story to end, it will soon. We are almost to the end, give it a good 15 chapters maybe? Not sure yet!

I have many other books in mind, that I would love for you guys to read, and help me out a bit. I also plan on holding a contest soon for this story, maybe, maybe not?

Enough Ranting, remember to comment and vote and inbox me, I love hearing you guys talk to me!

Chapter 32


In my many days, weeks, and years of attending high school, I would have never pictured myself in a dress shop, looking for dresses…for Becky. My ounce jeans and a t-shirt Becky, actually shuffling through a bunch of bejeweled, glittered, and strapless dress like her life depended on them.

“I could wear this one, but I don’t have a chest to fill up even half of this.” She sighed and put back a floor length blue gown. For the first time in my life, I’ve seen Becky stress over clothes related stuff. Although, through all the stress, she has a certain glow and excitement in her face.

The past few days have been hard, but I made through the weekend without a single tear. Not one. On Saturday night I invited Becky and Andrew to the movies for the showing of ‘Hannibal Returns’, and it wasn’t half bad. Of course, no one had to entertain one another instead we just sat in the rows of chairs passing popcorn back and fourth. It was refreshing despite all the drama of the past week and a half.

Andrew and Becky actually talked as well, I mean really talked, at some point of the night I felt as if I was third wheeling on their date.

It still doesn’t stop the pain in my heart, though.

“Try the green one.” I point to the emerald green, maxi dress with a bedazzled bust.

I can’t say I am comfortable sitting here watching Becky choose dresses for winter formal, when I could be doing the same with some kid Becky insisted I ask out. But, I don’t want to go with anyone besides him and he’s not coming back so there’s no point in going.

“I can’t wear green, the theme is Winter Wonderland, not St. Patrick’s Day. This is so frustrating!” She drops her bag on the floor and takes a seat next  to me, like throwing a fit is going to find her a dress.

“Who are you going with again?” I had yet to meet whoever got Becky to say yes.

“I don’t think you know him. He’s captain of the Debate team. I’m trying to stick with the good boys now, no more making out with random Bad Boys like Ash… you know what, doesn’t matter who I’ve made out with. Anyway, this guys name is Zach, he’s cute, smart, and has no idea what vodka taste like.” If there is one thing that hasn’t changed over the past few days, it’s the fact that everyone is still walking on eggshells around me.

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