Cinderella pt. 1

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Hello guys!
I’ve dragged myself out of bed, where I have been continuisly crying over videos of animals being processed into meat, to write the next chapter of this book. Let’s just say I need a break from the view of whipped and burned cows. For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been a vegetarian for 3 years.

ANYWAY yes, here it is, the next chapter of The Morticians Daughter where comments and votes are well appreciated!

Enough talking: Enjoy!


Chapter 38


Andy’s POV


“Where the fuck are you guys going?” I question my friends as they are all dressed up and ready to go. To where, I have no idea.

“We are going back to the high school. There are a few girls we promised a date to for formal, and we don’t break our promises.” Ashley grabs a leather jacket and slips it on over his black button down. They have never looked so put together.

And when the fuck was formal announced? Is she going? And if so, who the hell is she taking? Becky? That son of a bitch she was party with?

Something inside of me crumbles with anger in jealousy.

You were the one who left her, she gets to do whatever she wants, whoever she wants.

Fuck that. She can’t take someone else; I would die. I would honestly break seeing her in the arms of another guy, her head on his. I wonder what dress she would wear, long or short? Would it compliment her eyes or porcelain skin?

“Let me come.”

“No.” Jinxx steps in front of me when I slide off the bar stools. I’m taller than him though, so he’s kind of just embarrassing himself.

“Move.” I growled shoving past him only to be cornered by Ashley and CC.

“No, Andy. You’re not going to ruin it for Emily, you’ve done enough.” Jake refers back to the other day. Apparently Becky called Ashley after I left town to chew him out for letting me out of their sight.

“You don’t know what you are talking about. None of you know what’s going through my mind, I need to see her.”

“Cut the crap, Andy. That’s all you want to do lately, but it’s not doing either of you good. She’s hurting, your hurting and none of you are moving on.” CC notes. I glare at all of them, only to be returned with four angrier stares. They are standing up for her, these hoes ain’t loyal.

“Get the fuck out of my way.” Call me a dick if you want she made me this way.

No she didn’t, you did this to yourself.

I push past all of them with every force I’ve got, and throw open the front door. They don’t stop me as I slam the door shut.

Knowing exactly where I’m going, I call a cab, and go to her.


Emily’s POV

Can you believe what a quiet night it is?” Dad says as we step out of the Mexican Restaurant downtown. It’s six in the afternoon on a Friday night, and Dad has requested my presences at an early dinner with Willa. Despite my anxiety about this, it actually went better than I thought. She’s a reader, interested in only books.

I know, I heard there’s some Winter Formal going on at the high school. Emily why didn’t you go?” Willa mentions as we walk towards the car.

“Wasn’t really feeling up for it. I’m not big on the whole formal thing.” I lied when in reality it would be heaven to be able to dance with him for just one night.

“That’s a shame, I bet you would look gorgeous in a dress.” She smiles as we reach the car.


Pulling up to the house fifteen minutes later I see Andrews car in the driveway, along with a black BMW.

“I’m gonna drop off Willa, don’t wait up.” Dad let’s me out of the car before driving off. Slowly, I walk towards the porch. Andrew, Becky and Becky’s date are all waiting for me at the threshold of my house. Andrew is clad out in a tux, hair brushed neatly and all, where as Becky is dress head to toe in glamour. Her dress fits her perfectly, and her hair is raining in tight curls down her back. She’s honestly beautiful.

“Emily!” Becky knocks on the door again, staring through the side window. They don’t know I’m standing behind them questioning their presence.

“What are you guys doing here?”  They all whip around at the sound of my voice. That’s when I notice Andrew holding a big box in his hands, Becky with another.

“Emily!” Becky runs at me, the best she can in high heels and grips my shoulders shaking me enthusiastically.

“You are going to the ball, Cinderella!”


Aloha again guys!

I just want to apologize for the delay on this chapter, I had it written already in the car Friday and early early Saturday during a road trip and I had wanted it to be up this morning (Saturday) but on the way there I got the stomach flu and it was just bad. Anyway I feel really bad updating so late and when I get better (I just now got home and am currently type in fetal position to ease the pain) I will update!

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