Becky's to Blame

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"Becky Please turn it off." I rolled over to my side tossing my second pillow at Becky, who's sleep filled body was on the ground blasting her Ipod on high. I hate it when she does this. Every time she sleeps over, she put her earbuds in and turns it up on high when she sleeps. And every time it wakes me up, because one she stirs in her sleep, two all the stirring unplugs the ear buds from thee ipod, and three her she mumbles the music in her sleep sometimes.

"Becky! Wake Up!" Fuck this. I got off the bed and grabbed her Ipod and pressed pause At the exact time she shot up punching me in the nose. I fell backwards against my bed cradling my nose. Before falling I dropped the Ipod somewhere.

"What the hell, Emily? You dropped the Ipod on my big toe!" Becky shrieked, holding her foot.

"Right because you are the one with the bloody nose, I should focus on you. I think you broke my nose," I removed my hands for my nose. My eyes wandered down to my nose.

"Eww your nose is bleeding!"

"I think we discovered that already, thanks Becky. Can you get some tissues from the bathroom, please." I pointed to the restroom connected to my room. Somehow Becky's ipod was playing again, blasting whatever band she loved.

My dad's head popped in, making my hands pop to my nose. My dad was the kind of dad that hovers over people, if they have problems. He should have became a nurse instead of a mortician, but then again my dad always like working strange things.

"Whats with all the noise up here? Oh my god Emily what the hell happened to your nose?"


"That explains it. But seriously Becky did that? Shes so weak, and quiet. I forgot she was here." Did I mention my dadd liked to joke.

"Hey!" Becky walked into my room, holding a roll of toilet paper. "Im not weak!"

"Okay, sure. Whats song is that?" Beck picked up her Ipod off the ground.

"Some song by Black Veil Brides." I put the tissue on my nose.

"Oh you like the Black Veil Brides?" Umm no. N-O-! Sometimes I would listen to their music, but other times all the screaming would get on my nerves. Becky was a big fan of them, but not me.

"Yes she loves them?" my best friend answered for me I shot her a dirty look. Dad nodded his head and left the room without another word.

"Why'd you say that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you dropped my Ipod on my foot."

"You punched me in the face!!"

"Because you paused my music!"

Monday morning I pulled up to school in my old compact car. A car honked as I parked in a parking space. I groaned and got out of the car, pulling my tote bag with me. The car that honked was sleek, very sleek. Correction it was a sleek black Mustang. The drivers window rolled down exposing a very handsome guy, with long back hair that sat on his shoulders His eyes were grey with a little blue and eyeliner on the waterline, and his lip had a piercing. He was cute, and very familiar. Just unrecognizable.

"Problem?" I asked. If I was right he would say 'you took my parking space' then I would answer by running back to my car and driving to a different spot. That just what I did. I let people walk all over me like I was some kind of bug you squished. My popularity here was the size of a walnut, because I have no mom, and my dad works at a funeral home as a mortician. Becky's popularity was the size of a pistachio nut, because her parents are both non-wealthy farmers, who's crops we burned by some stupid teens two years ago. Becky worked a lot to help support her family.

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