I Think I'm In Love With You?

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Ashley's POV

Yeah, I was so fucking pissed. Pissed as in drunk. Haha learned that word touring in England.  

Pissed. Pissed. Pissed. Pissed. Pissed. Funny word.

While Andy and Emily were on their date night, Becky, Cc and I were currently throwing a house party while Emily's dad stayed at a hotel. of course we had permission, apparently Emily's dad was totally okay with rockstars life as long as there were no cops, and especially no drugs. Understandable, i don't do drugs so, no need to worry about that.

Some pissed girl was rubbing my arms up and down, horribly dancing like a someone stuck a finger up her ass. God she was horrible, at least her hottness made up for it, seriously this girl was the shit. Her personality wasn't so bad either.

"Ashley, you are like a God for throwing this sick ass party. Ha, oh L.O.L this is crazy funnn!" I hated when girls used texting terms out loud, so fucking annoying. Taylor, I think her name was, leaned against me kissed up my jaw and ear. I smiled and grabbed her waste.

If Jake and Jinxx weren't out with some chicks they met at the club we went to last week, they would tease me all fucking night about this. They think Becky and I should date. Don't get me wrong, Beckys cool and nice, but not for me.

"Thanks. Do you want a drink?" I asked. A mistake, cause honestly she did not need anymore drinks.

"Sorry we are out of drinks!" I heard someone shout from right next to me. I looked to my side and saw Becky there a tray in her hand. Tonight she looked kinda sexy. Hair pulled into a messy bun, black mini skirts, and white and gray flannel, the first three buttons undone showing the beginning of her cleavage.

"Why are you holding a tray." I ignored Taylor's? tugging at my hand.

"Some jerks made me serve drinks, at my party. We are out of beer so I have to run to the store and buy some." Becky sighed and dropped the empty tray to her side.

"Who is the asshole who made you do that?!" I asked. She blushed a little, Becky always seems to blush.

Shaking her head she said,"I don't know. Doesn't matter anyway, I have to run to the store be back in like ten minutes. If a sworn of douche bag jocks come stampeding through the crowd tell them Im using the bathroom." Giving a slight smile, Becky set the tray down on the counter we were by.

I didnt want her going out at ten alone. We were friends and friends care for other people. I released my hands from Taylors hips and turned to Becky.

"I'll come."There was the blush again.

"You don't have to. I see you are occupied." Her eyes shifted to Taylor who had an annoyed look on her face who rolled her eyes and walking away.

"Not anymore. Come on," grabbing her hand I walked through the crowd, weaving us through. When we got out of the house, she ran for her car and threw it open fishing the keys from the back of her skirt pocket.

"Beer adventure, ha." She chuckled pulling onto the street. A lot of cars lined up to Emily's car, probably the most in how ever long. I noticed, Emily and Becky were not every social with other kids in the school. But I seriously don't blame them, there are a lot of asses there. I don't know how many times I got called a fucking fag since I came here.


 When we got to the Walmart closest to the house, we got a big pack of beer and brought it to the clerk. I showed my ID and we left stuffing the drinks into the back of her car.

The whole ride I studied her from the corner of my eye. She was pretty. Skinny, long hair, pretty eyes, good shape. Everything was just a bonus to her personality, which consisted of kindness, politeness, fun, quiet, strange, everything good.

The blood rose to her cheeks,darker this time. Sensing that she knew I was looking, I stared out the window instead.

Jinxx thought she had feelings for me. Actually so did Andy, Jake, and CC. But I didn't see it.

"Alright we are here." Becky pulled to a stop reaching behind the seat 

to take one of the cases. I did the same and we got out of the car locking the door behind me. As I reached for the door she spoke up.

"Ashley...I'm in love with you."



Yeah cliffhanger!!!!!!

It wasn't originally BUT I was typing the awesome LONG ending of this chapter on my iPad, tapped a different page and Poof! There goes a good chapter. Out the window!

Yes I'm mad.

Yes I got pissed n gave up.

No, I do not Have problems -.-

ANYWAY how do you like it from Ashleys POV?

Decided to change things up eh ;)



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Jes n.n

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