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sorry its been a while and there really is no good excuse other than the fact that my buddy Procrastination decided to visit. And with the holidays, I hardly had anytime to do anything. But, at last I dragged my lazy ass to the bathroom, locked the door, and here I am sitting in the bathtub, fully clothed, typing away like a mad woman. No the bath doesn't have water, I just needed a quiet place to type.

In other news The Mortician's Daughter reached its two year anniversary on New Years! Happy One Year guys! Seriously couldn't have made it this far without you!

Thanks guys!

And I promise updates will come more frequently you have my word

And for you... the next chapter


Chapter 23

The first thing I notice is Ashley pacing in front of the door like a mad man. He doesn't see me at first until I chuck my shoes off by the door. Stopping, he turns to me and his eyes bulge.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" He grips me by the shoulders and shakes me repeadiatly. I ignore the pounding in my head and groan as he gurgles the fries in my stomach.

"Stop shaking me, Ashley!" I push away from him and wrap my arms around my shoulders. "Where is everybody?"

His jaw drops to the floor. "Where is everybody? Where is everybody?! They are looking for your small ass all over the fucking town! Andy has been panicing for the last two hours, your dad has called the whole fucking town, Becky is in the fucking hospital, Jinxx and Jake are driving around fucking Narnia looking for you! And CC is freezing his ass off at that club just in case you were still there."

My blood freezes at he yells at me and all I can do is stare at him. Becky's in the hospital? Becky's in the hospital. How? When? Why? Ashley is saying something but all I can do it stare at the ground behind him. Becky's in the hospital.

Sometime in between all Ashley's yelling, Andy walks in, runs in, and wraps me in his arms. But I don't feel that usual warmth I usually get in his arms, instead I feel cold as snow. I stand there awkwardly as he grips me tightly, planting kisses on the side of my head, my shoulders, the top of my head.

"Emily, where have you been. I-- the whole house has been going crazy, we couldn't find you in the club. Becky was the last to see you, we literally looked everywhere, your phone....you didn't answer."

This whole time I was fucking bowling with fucking Andrew, while no one knew where I was, my best friend landed in the hospital, and my boyfriend shit himself in fear. I am a horrible person. I don't want to tell Andy where I was, the guilt is already overcoming me, I can't handle the dissapointment I know he will give me when I tell him I was with another guy. Becky, what happened to Becky?

"What happened to Becky? Andy what happened to her?!" I manage to push out of my mouth. Although I asked, I am terrified to know the answer.

"Nothing too bad, she slipped on something and banged her head up a bit. Someone called 911 when they found her. "

"She's under age though, she could get in so much trouble if they find out she was drinking. The cops, her parents...oh my god."

"She wasn't intoxicated, she only had one drink, mostly water all night." He pauses before talking again. "Where were you, Emily?"

"I just--I just needed to get out of there, so I went for a walk." I lie. I can already feel the ehat rushing up my neck as I force the ugly words from my mouth.

"Emily, your dad is on his way home." Ashley peaks his head in, I am not sure when he left. I nod and look at everything but Andy's face. I need to see Becky.

"Can you take me to see Becky? Or Ashley will take me, let me just change out of these clothes." Making my way towards the stairs, I am pulled to a stop when Andy grips my upper arm. I cant bring my self to look at him.

"Whats wrong? Emily, you haven't looked me straight in the eye since you got home." He pleads. I bring my eyes up to his slowly and peer into them. I am so close to just giving in and telling him where and who I was with tonight, but something in the back of my mind tells me to just let it go tonight.

Taking a step closer to Andy, I place my hand on the back of his head and pull him down to place a kiss on his lips. He doesn't respond at first but after a moment I can feel his tongue slide across my bottom lip. We are doing the dance of tongues before I pull apart, breathing heavily as he rests his forehead on mine.

"I'm fine. Everything is just fine. Now, are you going to take me to see my best friend or am I going to have to walk, again?" I smirk.

"I'll warm the car up." He brushed my cheek before turning around and grabbing his keys off the entry table. Sighing, I walked to my room, pulling my dress off when I got there. What a night, and its not even over yet.

Becky turned out to have a slight concussion, from what her parents told me, that and a sprained wrist. Her parents weren't at all happy when they found out about us going night clubbing, and until further notice, she was grounded.

Eventually her parent's went home while Becky stayed over night at the hospital, leaving Andy and I time alone in the waiting room. While Andy tweeted with his fans, I sat in his lap playing with the fabric of his jacket. My phone was god knows where, and I had no time to grab a good book after changing to leggings and a hoodie.

"What are you tweeting about?" I finally broke the silence. Picking strings of my hoodie, I peeked up from under my long lashes. Andy's brows were furrowed as he stared at the blue and white screen of his phone.

"Nothing." His voice came out in a clipped tone. Sitting up, I tried to get a look at what was making him so angry, but he moved the phone away from my view.

"Andy, it's obviously something. Give me the phone." I slid off his lap and tried again to reach for the phone. This only made him stand up, and of course, he used his height against me. I jumped for the phone, and thank God no one was here otherwise this would be quite embarrassing.

"You're so short."

"Shut up! I am not short, you are just unreasonably tall. You dork." I climbed on one of the closest chairs and swiped for the damn IPhone. I succeeded in dropping his phone and then scrambling for it before he could bend down and grab it. Running to the other side of the waiting room I unlocked his password and looked the screen of his phone. Immediately, I regretted it.

On the screen of the phone read the most hateful words I've ever seen:

She's a fat whore, only wants Andy for fame.

How could he do this to us? She doesn't even listen to his music.

Gold digger.

She's so fucking ugly, I think my soul committed suicide.

Go Die.

Seriously? She's not even that pretty. What the hell does Andy s--"

The phone is ripped from my hands before I can keep scrolling. But it doesn't stop the tears already forming in my eyes. How could they say those things? People I have never seen before, people who don't even live in the same town as me.

I can take it from Tracy. I can take from people I actually see at school. But people from all over the world?

"Emily..." Andy is staring down at me from where I have perched myself on the edge of the nearest chair. My hands are trembling in my lap as I feel myself begin to weep.

"Emily..." He says my name again, but this time takes a seat next to me and brings my head to his chest and lets me cry there.

"They are so horrible!" I sob into his neck.

"I know. They are jealous and mad. You're not all those things, I don't even know why I paid attention to those little minded assholes. Don't listen to them, alright? Fuck everyone else, just listen to me. You are beautiful, and kind, and smart and nothing else they say." He's rocking me back and forth now and I let him, as it becomes harder to comprehend him.

Fat. Ugly. Whore.

For the first time in my entire life, I wanted to die.


Words hurt.

Sorry to leave a cliffhanger guys but I needed too. Please, watch what you say to people online or in person or any other time. Words can have such a strong impact on a person.


Go vote, and comment and leave all that lovely stuff down below.

And dont forget to check out my new story if you want to.

Thanks guys and hope you have a good day!


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