Purdy the Perv

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Sorry for the long wait anyway heres the next chapie! Vote, fan, comment, and read more!

<3 Jess


Early Saturday morning I was jolted awake when my bed started vibrating. The first thing I though was an  earthquake so I jumped out of bed and ran to the door only to trip over Becky's sleeping body.

"Ah! Emily that hurt!" Becky croaked. I pulled her up of the ground, gripping her arm.

"Becky there's an Earthquake we have to go get the boys out of bed." The room shook again.

"Oh my god, Emily! I'm going to die without getting to kiss Ashley Purdy!" Becky panicked. I glared at her and grabbed onto the door frame.

"That's all you are worried about! Whatever, we have to go help the boys!" I pulled Becky along with me as I ran for the boys room.

"Oh no, Emily they aren't here!" Becky screamed when we opened each door to find them empty.

"Check the basement they hang out there a lot." We ran down the stairs and to the door in the kitchen. Immediatly we were hit with a lound booming noise. The vibration knocked over me and Becky. Are you kidding me? The whole time I was thinking it was a fricken erathquake it turned out to be the guys blasting there music. 

"God, Emily, the earthquake already hit them!" Becky screamed. 

"It's not an earthquake Becky it's an amp." I hissed, Grabbing onto the wood rail, I held on for dear life as we walked down the stairs. Forget the rail my ears were screaming. Dad was lucky he was doing paperwork at the office.

"What the hell is going on down here!" I shouted over the music. Andy was sitting on the basement sofa with ear plugs in, writing what I'm guessing is a song.

CC was going bat shit with the drums, and Jake, and Jinxx were head slamming thin air. Ashley was strumming fast on his guitar and no one even heard us. 

"Hello?" Still nothing. I brassed myslef and went over to the nearest amp and unplugged the chords. one by one. I stopped at CC and slammed my hand on the gold plate looking thingy. Ever turned to me. I huffed and shook my head. "What the heck are you guys doing down here? People want to sleep around here!"

"We got a gig next week and your dad said we can practice.....here." Ashley noted.

"Not while I'm sleeping!"

"Well you are awake now sooooo........" CC gave me a toothy smile when I glared at him for even thinking the thought. "Sorry."

"Did you even care about the fact there were two other people in the house other than yourselves!"

"Geez sorry."

"Oh when did Emily get here?" Andy finally pulled the plugs out of his ears and set down his note book.

"Oh hello Mr. Considerate! I'm going back to bed."

"Can I come?" Andy teased.

"NO! Why the hell would you say that!" My cheeks over flooded with flesh.

"Becuase, if you are wearing that then anyone would want to sleep in the same bed as you." I looked down suddenly embarassed. Last night I was too tired to pull pajama bottoms on I just slipped on a long t-shirt and thats all. 

No one has every talked to me like that for a reason it made me feel shy.

"Don't be a perv!" Something fell at my feet and I looked down.

"Crap, my rag, Emily could you get that for me." Ashley asked.

"Sure....wait NO! You just want me to bend down! You guys all pervs!" I narrowed my eyes at them and headed for the stairs.

"Oh come one Emily we are guys!" Ashley laughed. I gave them a mean look before heading up the stairs. Ashley groaned.

"You are such a perv Ashley!"

"Get used to it Ashley's always like that."Jake teased. 

"I need a smoke." Andy commented and got up off the couch following me up the stairs.

"I would appreciate if you kept your practices more quiet." I gave a fake smile to Andy when we reached the top of the stairs. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket, and a lighter. "Smoke that somewhere else too."

"You are so bossy!" Andy waved me away and took a drag of his cancer stick.

"Fine get cancer, but don't come running to me when you have bad lungs."

"Why are you so grumpy all the time? You are like a cute ball of anger ready to burst if anyone upsets you." He poked my shoulder. 

"You think I'm cute?"

"All girls are cute even the ones ugly on the inside have a cute streak."

"Oh, and if you had unwanted guests living in your home you would be grumpy too." I answered.

"I'm unwanted?"

"Well.....let me wake you up when you are dreaming of chocolate, let me live in your home without knowing I was, let me blackmail pictures of you picking a pepporoni out of your shirt!" I poked his shoudler,

"There's the cute ball of anger again!"

"Well, this ball of anger is going upstairs and back to bed!"

"Yay, she's walking upstairs again!" I heared Ashley yell from the basement. Had they really heard all of that? Had they heard me saying they were unwanted? Had they heard Andy call me cute?


READ THIS NOTE! Vote fan comment and read on! When I get about 530 views, and 30 votes, I will update the next chapter. Sorry this one is so short Im running low on some ideas .............. B( srry 


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