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Change was a necessary evil in life on earth. It comes at the best and worst times; it is done for the right or the wrong reasons; it just happens.

Samuel looked through the lens of his camera, using his thumb and forefinger to adjust the lens to focus the image of his sister, Ember, as she sat at the dresser. The sun provided warm light that brought out the amber of her wavy hair and accentuated the gold edges of her mirror and table. With the push of a finger, the camera clicked, capturing the image.

Ember turned to him and stuck out her tongue in jest just as he took another picture, a grin spreading over his face.

The camera hung from his neck as he dropped it, pushing his hair away from his face with his fingers. He was just nineteen, turning twenty in three months. A birthday, the first of nineteen, that Ember would not be celebrating with him. She was his older sister. The eldest of his parents' four children and the sternest, but she was also his favourite sibling.

Their family was one he considered semi-famous, mostly because he had a wealthy and influential ancestral line. His grandfather, Claudius Devon, was the CEO of the most prominent real estate and construction organization in New Port. The man had roots in different political parties and was friends with other heavy hitters in the city. He was a respected and revered man.

Their mother, Ysabel Madden, was Claudius' only heir. It stood to reason that she would inherit his company and the remainder of his fortune after he passed, as his grandmother had died years earlier. His mother took that role seriously and she always held her own in public. She chose the best schools for her children, married the son of another wealthy family, and lived in one of the best houses. An aspiring matriarch through and through.

They all grew up under some degree of interest from the public. In high school, they faced it, in university, they faced it.

It was familiar territory. Ember felt it the hardest as she was the firstborn to their mother, but to some extent, all of the Madden children carried the weight one way or another.

"Are you going to send me any of those pictures?" She asked, looking at him in the mirror with a smile. He smiled back as she stood to walk towards him.

"I'll send every single one."

Ember sat on the bean bag close to his chair and took his hand. "I know you are not too thrilled about this; me leaving and all."

After finishing her Bachelor's degree at one of the universities in the city, Ember applied to pursue her Master's at a German university. It was miles away from home, and there would be an entire ocean between them, but Ember was decided. From the amount of time she put into studying the various universities in Germany offering a Master's in business, Samuel was more than certain that nothing would change her mind.

"I am not the biggest fan of the idea, but that doesn't mean I don't understand. I only hope you will not isolate yourself over there. If, ever you feel overwhelmed or unstable, make sure you remember that we are here. Alright?"

"Of course, I will. Listen, there are so many apps on my phone and laptop that we can use to communicate. We can facetime, skype, you name it. You'll send pictures, text me as often as you like, and I'll do the same."

"Can you tell me one thing though, just one?" Ember nodded. "Why leave?"

"I have wings, little brother, and this place isn't big enough for me." She stated. "I want to see what's out there. It wouldn't be forever. Of course, I'd come back, but I want to use this opportunity to experience new things."

Ember took his hand and pulled him to his feet as she stood from the bean bag. Samuel held her tightly when she hugged him.

"Come on. Let's get you to the airport before my understanding wanes further."

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