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Kali thanked the maids one last time for the evening before dashing out the door to meet an impatient Samuel. Dinner had gone swimmingly despite the last-minute changes Ysabel had made. Ember helped with the planning, and Kali believed she handled her guests, especially Mr Claudius, with enough grace to make her husband proud. And if she hadn't been sure he was, he told her so the minute the door closed behind the last guest.

Now, they were on their way to the address of a clubhouse Ember forwarded the previous day. Kali had taken longer to change out of her gown, and Samuel had been waiting on her.

"Why am I not invited again?"

Kali spun around, scanning the first floor, until she spotted Giovanna on the balcony.

"The party is twenty-one and over." Samuel hollered back. "You entertain yourself at home and don't throw any private parties."

"Yeah. Whatever."

Giovanna waved before slipping back into the house. Kali chuckled, taking Samuel by the hand and leading him to the passenger's side of the car. She opened the door with a courtesy executed in impeccable form, and still, Samuel managed to smile and tease her.

"You know we still have work tomorrow morning, right?"

"I do." She steered away from the mansion and floored the accelerator. "I have already set alarms to help me wake up. I don't drink too much when I go out to parties so I'd not be nursing any headaches you need to worry about."

"Someone thought ahead then."

"Way ahead."

She rested her hand over the console and smiled when Samuel interlaced their fingers. During the dinner, they kept contact with each other to a minimum, physical or otherwise, because Ysabel's eyes were stuck on them. Kali was sure she could see right through their pretence because it was something Ysabel had been accusing them of for months. The only reason she bothered to keep up the lie was because she knew they were partially safe until Ysabel could confirm anything.

"Have you called Ember yet?"

"I called her while I changed," Kali replied. "She and Peter must already be there waiting for us. We bought out the top floor of the club and hired a DJ for the night. It'll just be me, you, your siblings and all our friends. You'll love it."

"Hey," Samuel whispered after a beat of silence, kissing the back of her hand. "I didn't say how sorry I am to you that she came."

Kali shook her head. "Don't apologise. Your mother knew what she was doing when she added Daniel to the list. She knew Christine would have to come because Daniel would bring her."

"Daniel didn't have to bring her."

Kali chuckled. "Daniel wants to fit her into his life as much as possible. It seems he invites her to any and everything. She has been on his arm at every party, every gathering. Your mother knew she'd be at the dinner too."

"Well, I am sorry."

"Don't be. Christine is a good person. She doesn't go out of her way to antagonise the boyfriend stealer."

Samuel scoffed. "You and your jokes."

They got to the club, and she led him past the bouncer and the guard at the stairs. They walked up the stairs and past a few more checks before reaching the room Ember paid for. Before going in, she turned to look at Samuel, winking as she pushed the door open with her boot.

"Happy birthday!"

Confetti erupted around them, along with the cheers and applause from their friends and his siblings. Kali pushed him ahead, drumming on his back as they made their way through the fall of paper and hail of songs.

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