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Kali used the parting comb to delicately cut a clean line in front of her head before tying her bouncy curls up on her head with a string. As she prepared herself for the day while Richard, her boyfriend, slept on the large king-sized bed. She watched him from the mirror while she dressed, trying to be quiet, so she didn't wake him. They had spent most of the week together, enjoying the summer heat and visiting some places in the city, but it had to end. There was a lot to do. She could not slink around in bed or stay any longer than eight.

As quietly as possible, she grabbed a pair of heels from the walk-in closet and sat on the round bench to put them on. While she hustled with the buckle, a sound at the door caught her attention. She perked up to find Richard looking down at her. His hair was hysterical, one side flattened against his head and the other side frizzy as if a bolt of current had shot through him. Sleep made his eyes red and puffy, and there were a few marks on his arm from the sheets.

She and Richard had started dating nine months ago, after they met at a café in the city, close to her apartment. He travelled a lot, and as she worked from home, he was more than happy to include her whenever he could. Richard was an attentive boyfriend, respectful and above all else, understanding. Their relationship was still fresh, by her standards, because they were still learning more and more about each other, but she was content, happy.

"Morning. I thought you would sleep till afternoon."

"Gosh," he grunted on a loud yawn, prancing into the walk-in closet to kiss her forehead. "I am so exhausted. Where are you running off to so early in the morning."

Kali laughed as she strutted out of the closet and swiped her earrings off the dresser. "Early? It's past eight. I have some things to do today, I can't be late. I need to talk to a few clients then stop by the bank to deposit some money for my sister. After that, I have to check on the maintenance of my old apartment and see know, I could refurbish and maybe rent it out. I haven't stayed there in a while, so maybe I can, at least, let it work for me instead of just gathering dust."

"That sounds like a full day."

She snapped the clasp of her necklace shut, then tugged on her earrings to make sure they were pinned correctly. As she grabbed her purse from the seat, Kali lifted on her heels to kiss him.

"It is a full day. I have to run."

"Let me walk you to your car."

She touched his cheek softly and smiled, giving him a nod of approval just as they reached the door. Richard strutted at her side as they moved down the stairs, and she used the time to check up on her emails and messages from her sister and a few friends.

"Finally." They both jumped at the voice, and Kali stumbled as she turned towards the sound, hand against her chest. A woman sat at the table, watching them with unabashed interest as she continued. "I thought you would never come down."

From Richard's reaction, Kali quickly summed up that she was the only one lost as to what was happening. He had turned into a statue at her side. His eyes locked with the strange woman in a sort of standoff that only they understood. His jaw was clenched, and his hand on her back fell away.

"I am sorry. Who are you?"

"No one of importance." Richard quickly interceded as the stranger smiled with amusement, her fingers still drumming on the mahogany surface. "You have a lot of things to do, don't let us keep you."

Kali might have allowed herself to be led out of the house on any other occasion, but something did not sit right about the situation. The doors had been locked since they went to bed the previous night. Neither of them had come down to open them/ Her keys were even still in her hand. None of the maids had arrived either. For the woman to be in the house, she had to have her own key. She might be his family, sister or something, but his nervousness was a clear indication that she wasn't.

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