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Kali played with the peas on her plate, using the fork to roll them around. She had opted out of sitting in the office cafeteria because she wanted a place with more privacy. People didn't talk like they used to when the magazines accusing her of marrying for money came out, but there were still whispers. She had enough on her plate with what was going on at home.

So, for the next few weeks, she decided she'd eat at different cafes around the office until she found the most suitable. Something private, usually empty in the afternoons where she could enjoy a meal and video chat with friends.

"Madden." She snapped up as Winston pointed at the free seat in front of her. "Anyone?"

"No, please, help yourself."

"I haven't seen you in here before."

"I wanted a change today. I usually eat in the cafeteria, but it hasn't been the best reception the past few weeks."

"Why not?"

She smirked, "Why do you think. I am pretty sure you heard whispers of the rumours circulating not too long ago."

"I might have."

"I need a break today."

"Look, I am the last person to judge anyone. What I do think is you are entitled to your life and your decisions. Media usually shine light on dark subjects, especially when they are more interested in what causes more of a stir than what is actually true."

"I see you are a therapist on the side."

He chuckled. "Nothing like that. I am just a guy on my own journey. Becoming a better person can be enlightening on its own."

"What was wrong with who you were before?"

His brows lowered. "Huh, she wasn't kidding."


"My godmother. When the rumours started she told my mom you didn't pick Samuel out of a crowd for his money. Mentioned something about you not being current. Like with news and gossip."

"Interesting that she'd say that of me. The woman has never said a nice word to my face."

"Probably stretching the disapproving mother-in-law, a bit, huh?"

"Probably, but what does that have to do with you?"

"I was in the news." He stated straightforwardly. "For a while, and not for the best of things."


"Yeah, I am trying to reinvent myself."

"Go for it. I haven't read anything about the old you, but this you, my boss, is pretty decent to me."

His eyes softened, "That, so kind. Can't tell you how much it means to me."

"You're welcome."

He didn't stay long after that before he got the chance to touch his food. His phone rang, and he halfheartedly excused himself. They said goodbye, but as he left, she caught sight of another familiar face walking up the stairs Winston was descending.

"Strange to see you here." Richard smiled.

"I could say the same."

"Is he coming back?"

Kali thought of lying, saying he wouldn't be long, but there was no point. She didn't need to lie, and she didn't need to run. Richard was a thing of her past and not something she needed to run from. Seeing him didn't cause the pain it used to before. His betrayal no longer stung, and the venom that filled her blood each time she thought of him had cooled.

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