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Kali stretched under the covers as he kissed the grove of her spine. His hand skimmed across her stomach and interlaced with hers. When he kissed her cheek, she leaned into him, sighing as she turned, plastering herself to him. Still catching his breath, he laid back on the headboard while she propped her chin on his chest.

"Thankfully, tomorrow is Saturday," Kali whispered, drawing on his chest with her fingers. Maybe we can spend the day together? In the house?"

He opened his eyes to look at her, his fingers combing her hair over her back. "I don't have anything planned, so I don't see why not."

She smiled, climbing up his side to kiss him tentatively. His palm spread over her back, holding her to him until she pulled away to rest on his shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Was it okay?"

"Hope you are not asking for what I think you are asking."

"Maybe I am." He said, combing his hair away from his face. He pinched her chin to make her look at him. "I want us to be alright. For everything to be alright."

"It was beautiful." She replied, tucking herself into his side. "I am so happy I am scared for sunrise. I want to lie here and forget the world because with our history when we leave this room, something will go wrong."

"That's not true." He chuckled.

"Yes, it is, and you know it. I only hope we get at least a week. One week before anything goes wrong."

"Everything will be fine." He muttered against her shoulder, but half his heart didn't believe the words. Still, he hoped it would be true. "Everything will be fine."

"We can only hope."

Samuel wrapped his hand around her, hugging her tightly. There were various ways things could go wrong, more than Kali imagined. Downstairs, he had almost built up enough courage to tell her about Richard. It almost came out of his mouth, but shame and cowardice kept his lips shut, and he told her something else entirely.

Kali's grip on his arm loosened, and he peeked at her, realising she had fallen asleep. He rested his hand on her head and slid lower on the bed as he closed his eyes. There was another day ahead of them. And as they slept in each other's arms, he only had the strength to hope everything would be fine.

At least for a week.

The phone rang shrill and loud, jarring Samuel from sleep. It was hardly morning. The sun was barely up, and darkness still covered most of the room. He couldn't see the clock, but he was sure it wasn't even six in the morning. He grumbly wondered who needed him so early in the morning before remembering it was a Saturday. Whoever it was could wait till he was awake.

He moved closer to Kali, tightening his hold on her waist as he tucked his head back into the pillow. Before he could drift off, the ringing started again.

Exhausted but not wanting the call to eventually wake Kali, he slid his hand from beneath hers and carefully got off the bed. Kali stirred, muttering something unintelligible before pulling the blanket over her shoulder.

"Fredrick." Samuel dragged, stepping into the bathroom. "It's five thirty in the morning. On a Saturday."

"I know. I was asleep when the call came. Our servers are all down, and there is a problem with our systems."

"How did that happen?"

"I have no idea. Holland called. He was awake and noticed it. I am heading over now to see how I can help."

"Okay. Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Still disgruntled but more alert than before, Samuel jumped into the shower. Kali was still in the same position when he walked into the room. She had gathered most of the bedsheet to her chest, leaving her back exposed. Samuel smiled, kneeling over her to kiss her shoulder. He left a sticky note explaining why he was out on the pillow nearest to her so it'd be the first thing she saw when she woke up.

Samuel drove over to his office and immediately caught up on the problem with Fredrick and Holland filling him in. They worked on it all morning and called in some experts to help when they were stuck. He barely noticed how much time had passed when a knock came at the door, and Fredrick announced that Kali was in their parking lot.


"Your wife's car just pulled in."

Samuel stepped out of the office and ran into Kali as she was about to open the door. They noticed each other through the glass, and she smiled, laughing when he pulled the door open for her.

"Good morning." She hugged him and then waved at Holland, who passed behind him. "I read your sticky note."

"Sorry, I left without saying anything. I didn't want to wake you."

"So, is it bad? What happened?"

"Seems like a virus, amongst other things. Our system was down, but we got someone working on it at the moment."

"And are they doing their job?"

"From what we can see, yes."

"That's good."

"You?" He tugged on her braids with a casual grin. "How did your morning go since you were able to sleep in."

"I missed you for about," She closed her eyes to concentrate. "Five minutes then got busy doing other things."

"Is that right?"

"Yes. After calling June and Ember, I got busy in the kitchen." She looked down at the lunch box she carried before handing it to him. "I thought you didn't get a chance to have breakfast, so I made you something to eat. Sandwiches and some cupcakes."

"That's sweet of you."

She looked behind him and added. "There's enough in case you guys are hungry too."

The boys thanked her loudly, and Samuel rolled his eyes. "Next time, you whisper that to me. I'd eat my fill, then decide to give them the rest. Now that they know there's some in there for them, they'd be on me like flies to get their share."

"Sharing is caring."

"And I intend to share." He nodded. "After I have eaten to satisfaction."

"Then," Her voice dropped to a whisper. "I'll only tell you that there are also some hot pockets in there."

"Definitely keeping that to myself."

She chuckled and kissed him. "Well, I have to go. Leave you men to your work. Would you be home early?"

"Hopefully this wouldn't eat into the afternoon, so yes."

"Alright. Let me get going." She patted his cheek before loudly addressing his friends. "Goodbye. Have a nice day."

"Thanks." They replied.

"Let me walk you."

She waved to the guys and he set the lunch box on the table, shooting off warning stares to Fredrick and Holland.

"Say hi to June for me."

"I will."

He walked her to her car and kissed her goodbye, smiling fondly as she drove away. She left, and he turned to return to the office when another car drove in. Before he could question who it was, Flora got out of the back seat.

"Samuel." She smiled. "Oh, Samuel."

He stared, eyes wide with confusion, as she ran over to him, throwing herself against him and wrapping her arms around his neck. She buried her face in his neck, and he stood there frozen, his arm out and up as she clung to him.

When she finally looked at him, he didn't see any of the hatred and disdain she had for him in the past. She looked at him as she did when they were still together.

"I am so sorry." She whispered.

"Flora, what are you doing here?"

"I know everything." She smiled, tears falling down her cheeks. "I know everything."

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