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Kali woke up, sluggishly reaching over to stop her alarm clock before it rang. Well-rested and recovered from the previous day, she sat up, stretching her limbs leisurely. As she usually did, she took some time to pray before slipping her rings on and shuffling into her sandals. When she turned, she was surprised to find Samuel sitting at the foot of the balcony doors.

Unsure, she looked to the bed to confirm his side was empty before looking back at him. It was the first time she had seen him awake so early in the morning, sitting where she usually stood to watch the night sky fade as the day broke through.


"Yeah." He responded without shifting his gaze from the skies.

"How long have you been awake?"

"A bit."

"Is something wrong?"

"As usual."

She wrapped her robe tighter around her. "Do you want some company?"

He shrugged, and she rolled her eyes. She joined him on the floor, folding her legs and resting against the door frame. He had been low on spirits since they returned from the resort the previous day. Out of respect, after all she overheard in the dressing room, she thought to give him privacy to process the fight alone. Now, she wanted to help him get some of the weight off his chest.

"What is this about?"


"What about her."

He finally turned away from the sky. "I spoke to Flora yesterday before we left the beach. I tried talking to her, and it hurt to hear her. I know she seems cross, but she isn't a bad person. The anger is making her into someone she is not. Someone vindictive and mean-spirited. It's not who she is. I am making her into someone she isn't."

"It's not your fault."

"Isn't it?"

"Your mother made you leave her; she gave you no way out." Kali scooted closer, resting her hand on his knee. "You both were together for a long time, and you probably preached loyalty and love for all those years. She loves you. She trusted you. She trusted your character, only to have you break her heart. Now she has the love but not the trust, and it's breaking her. She is hurt, but it's a phase. It will pass."

"And if it doesn't pass fast enough? If she continues to grow embittered and spiteful."

"You can try telling her the truth. Save her from the misery of thinking you were cheating on her."

"We've been through this. She-"

"She wouldn't sit back and watch this marriage go on."

"Exactly. If she does anything to arouse my mother's suspicions, which she will, things could go from bad to worse for her."

"Then maybe what she needs is a little nudge. If she believes you rushed into this and there is a chance you still love her, she might be more hopeful than bitter. Then there would be a chance for you two to be together when all this is done."

"When she came to my office, she made it clear that even if we broke up, she wouldn't take me back."

"Of course, she'd say that she is upset. In her heart, she knows she'd jump at the chance to fight for your love. It was the one thing you didn't give her when you broke up with her. A chance to fight for you."

Samuel shook his head. He folded his arms and turned back to look at the stars. "Giving her hope without telling her the truth is cruel. If this goes on for a year, two or more, I'd be dragging her along for the ride."

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