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"How often do you come to these?"

"At first, it felt like there was a party every day." Kali joked as she adjusted the sling on June's arm. "I wasn't used to it, and it was mostly saying hello and making small talk, but now, I am more than used to it. I have had a good teacher. Ember walked me through how to make these gatherings easier on myself. Now, it barely registers."

"Maybe you'll have to teach me," June whispered, gazing over Kali's bent head. "I have met six people at this thing and as soon as I mention your name, they are all 'ohs' and 'ahs'. I think three of them have mentioned how grieved they were for missing your wedding. I don't mind being amiable but I have smiled and laughed, but the conversations just keep coming."

Kali chuckled. "Rule one, don't be alone. All the questions will fall on you, but if you have someone else, they can either answer on your behalf or shift the conversation to themselves. Stick close to me."

"Say no more." June flippantly pressed herself closer. "When is the rest of the gang arriving?"

"Samuel went to check up on what was keeping them. There must be some traffic on the street, but I am sure everything is fine."

The gala was picking up its pace. More and more guests were arriving, and her in-laws were nowhere to be seen. At first, she wasn't worried. Every once in a while, even the most prudent of individuals could be late. But as time went by and none of his calls went through. No one from the house had reached out, and soon his paranoia leached into her. Ember, of all people, would have called to inform them if something was wrong.

"This is your spot," Kali muttered, pulling a seat back so June could slide in. Each person had their name written in black on a coarse piece of paper in front of their plates. June's place was beside her, while Samuel was at the opposite end of the table.

"Will you ever host one of these?" June muttered, reading her name on the card and regarding the napkin folding with interest.

"No. I think the most I can manage is birthday parties at my house. This," She waved her hand and looked around the room, "is above my paygrade."

"That's what you'll say at first. But you said your mother-in-law has hosted a few of these in the past. I am sure one day someone might call on you to do the same. You know, carrying on the tradition."

"Hopefully not." She shivered and laughed just as her eyes fell on Samuel. He made a beeline for their table, with his family strutting behind him. Kali felt relief to see that everything was indeed fine with them.

"Sorry, we kept you waiting," Ember spoke first, taking her seat on the opposite side of the table from June. "We left on time only to spend hours in the most ridiculous traffic on the way here."

"As long as you all got here fine." Kali smiled. She stretched out her hand and took Samuel's arm as he came to stand by her side.

"You all look lovely." Peter complimented.

"Thank you," Kali replied.

She looked at Samuel, adjusting his tie and rubbing her palm luxuriously over his back. She had picked out his outfit for the night to match her own, same with June. It was a fun idea on paper and even better off it. Samuel looked dashing in his pitch-black, suit. The gold of his vest matched the shimmers of gold on her floral white gown. June was the same, but instead of white, her gown was a mat black with gold flakes meandering from the right of her shoulder, past her waist and towards the left of the dress.

"Kali insisted on this, I feel like I am about to be propped up on display."

"Don't be a baby." she chided good-naturedly. "You look handsome."

"You do, little brother." Peter supported.

"You all look stunning as well." Kali complimented, thanking Samuel as he pulled her seat back for her. "I am so glad everything is fine. Samuel was about to wear holes in the carpet, pacing back and forth."

"I can imagine." Timothy joined in. They took their seats, and he turned his attention to June. "I hope your arm is better. Have you been taking care of yourself?"

"I am better, thank you for asking. And I have been taking very good care of myself. Kali wouldn't have it be any other way."

"As she should. If there is anything you need, don't feel shy to ask. We are your family as well."

"Thank you."

"Kali, Peter mentioned that you got a job in K. Tech?" Ember said.


"When do you start?"

"I haven't gotten there yet. I am reviewing some necessary documents to make sure everything is in order."

"And this is your first job with a company?"

Kali looked at Timothy. "Yes, sir."

"Hope you aren't too nervous."

"A little, but more excited than anything."

"So excited she already picked out her outfit for the first day."

"Ah, that's exciting. What is it?" Ember interjected before Samuel could say anything more.

Kali threw him a pointed stare, scrunching up her nose as she tried to stop her smile from forming. Samuel merely stared back, winking at her as she rolled her eyes.

"It's nothing grand." She said to Ember. "I thought I just lean into palazzos as a staple in any outfit I wear to work."

"Sounds plausible. I usually wear whatever is formal and vibrant in my closet."

"I wanted a signature look."

"So, you'll be known around the office for your outfits?" Ysabel finally spoke, and Kali managed a small shake of her head in reply. "If not then why spend so much time on what you'll wear instead of what you'll do."

Ysabel's tone left no doubt that she was being derisive, but Kali kept her face up and her glance unwavering when she answered.

"I know what is expected of me, and I intend to give my all to the position, but I also like to be well-dressed and comfortable in any situation I find myself in."

"She did it in high school and college." June blithely added, hurrying to lighten the mood. "In high school, she stuck to the colour green. Less restricting than choosing a particular piece of clothing, but it meant she always had to have something green on. Then in college, she was strictly dresses."

"That sounds like fun. You are known for different things, in different places." Ember cheered, lifting her wine glass in a toast. "I have no doubt you'd handle yourself splendidly."

"Thank you." Kali batted her eyes in mock shyness before lifting her glass and toasting with Ember.

Her eyes fell on Samuel as she took a sip, and she caught his eyes before they fell from her face. Thoughtfully, he stared down at his plate. Before she could speak and ask what was wrong another guest approached their table.


"Maeve," Ysabel replied, standing to greet the newcomer. "I am glad you finally made it."

She moved on to greet Timothy before addressing the rest of them at the table. "You all are welcome. You look lovely. I hope you enjoy the gala."

"Thank you." They resounded.

As everyone dug into their meals, Kali met Samuel's gaze and mouthed, "Are you okay?"

He nodded, but his face said something different. Somewhere between laughs and teases, something had gone wrong, or his head had travelled somewhere else. Kali didn't draw any attention to it, especially since he seemed intent on falling back into the mood, sharing jokes and raising toasts. The night had just begun, she was sure he would tell her if it was something important.

So, on the next toast, she flashed her brightest smile, raising her glass while Timothy raised his glass to celebrate her upcoming job.

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