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Samuel chuckled when Kali brushed her fingertip ever so gently along the bottom of his ear.

"You know that tickles."

"I find it odd. Such an odd place to be sensitive in."

"Kali, a lot of people are sensitive behind their ears."

She did it again, raising goosebumps on his skin. He shivered, his breath shaking as he shrunk away. "Stop, or I would throw you off me."

She laughed. "Fine. Such a baby."

Giovanna had left earlier with her friends, and Kali dragged him to the pool for them to enjoy some time in the open. She lay between his legs, muttering on about her sister's schooling and inviting her aunt to spend Christmas with them since she didn't think they'd travel home.

Samuel listened absently, half his mind on the conversation and the other half on the conversation in their room.

He hoped Flora and Kali would never cross paths, but even if they did, he didn't want them to fight. Flora was determined. Despite his best efforts, or what he hoped were his best efforts. She wanted them back together, but his life was with Kali. Whatever the outcome, he was committed to this relationship, which led to his second problem.

Kali was, too, and as she clearly stated earlier, she wasn't simply going to step aside.

Samuel didn't want them to fight with one another. He didn't want Flora fighting for him. He wasn't worth it. What she wanted to gain back was a man who didn't exist. The Samuel she loved wasn't him.

The skin on his neck tingled, and he shivered, laughing when he realised Kali was messing with the spot below his ear again.


"Where did you go."

He slapped her butt absentmindedly, in retaliation, relishing her yelp of shock before he settled back on the lounger.

"I was thinking."

"About?" She pushed.

"What you said earlier. Before you left."

"Oh." She focused on his shirt, drawing against his chest shyly. "About not stepping aside for Flora?"

"Yes." He caught her chin with his index finger to raise her head. "I know it's a difficult thing to ask, but I don't want you to fight with her. She has been through a lot, too, and she is running high on various emotions."

"I am not surprised. You are always looking for the peaceful routes."

"Not always."

"Often enough."

"But you understand where I am coming from. Right?"

He didn't want her to feel like he prioritized Flora's feelings over hers. He didn't want her to get hurt either, and fighting with Flora wouldn't give her any peace of mind.

"I understand what you are asking.

"Thank you."

She pressed her hands down on the lounger to pull herself up to him, sinously dragging her body over his.

"I really should stop giving in to every request." She muttered. "I am making things too easy for you."

He chuckled. "You'd be the only one."

Before they could kiss, the sliding door opened, and Giovanna walked out. She noticed them immediately and shook her head, tossing her towel on a lounger.

"Get a room."

"My house," Kali replied, kissing him all the same.

Giovanna jumped into the pool with a splash. Kali sat up, turning to face the pool while resting against his chest.

"What were you doing with your friends?" He asked when Giovanna resurfaced.

"We just hung out. Gossiped, ate. The usual."

"Have you spoken with our parents today?"

"I called Dad, and we talked."

"And mom?"

"Spoke to her last night."

"Are you guys resolving the issues between you?"

Giovanna smiled. "Ready to kick me out already."

He was about to reply when Kali said, "Won't say it wouldn't be delightful."

"Tough luck," Giovanna responded, surprisingly still smiling. "You want me out, so you make out without my constant interruption, but you are out of luck."

"You plan on being a fly on the wall for how long?"

"As long as it's entertaining."

Samuel watched them bicker back and forth, his hand firmly around Kali's front to hold her back in case things got heated, but they never did. Giovanna didn't sound contemptuous or mocking despite her words. She smiled and spoke with open amusement. Kali was also in good spirits.

When Kali mentioned Giovanna had agreed to have her check on her friends before they left, he found it odd. Giovanna would have rebelled against such a request. Sure, he asked her not to antagonize Kali, but his sister would have found a way out of such a request. Instead, she came all the way to their room to inform Kali that her friends were leaving.

"You want to see something entertaining?"

He heard Kali ask as he felt her hands on his face. Before he could figure out what was happening, she kissed him deeply, earning an appalled stare-down from Giovanna.

"Do whatever you want. You can't make me leave."

"Oh, come on."

"Besides, I like having friends over here better than back home. Samuel, was it so hard for you to have friends over when you were a teenager? It's like mom gets eyes on the back of her head when my girlfriends come around."

"I-I guess. I usually hung out at my friend's place."

Kali cocked her head to look at him. "Babe, are you okay?"


"Lucky you," Giovanna continued before Kali could ask anything else.

With a nonchalant shrug, she turned away from the wall and dove under the water. Kali pulled away to look at him.

"Are you still thinking about the issues with Flora?" She asked softly, resting a hand on his thigh. "I told you I would not fight with her. Don't let yourself worry too much."

"No. It's not that. I got caught up watching you and Giovanna. You looked like you were genuinely enjoying ribbing each other."

"Yeah. I told you she has been quite accommodating the past few days. I don't know what's changed or why, but I am not looking this gift horse in the mouth."

"Gift horse?"

"I don't know how long she'll stay here. At first, she promised to be on her best behaviour, but we all know she hasn't kept that promise for a long time. Now, she is putting in effort. Makes living together easier, don't you think."

"I guess." He brushed some hair back and smiled. "And you believe she is doing this honestly? You usually have doubts."

"I did, and maybe I still do, but I believe her enough. She hasn't sounded indignant for three days and goes out of her way to give me my place as your wife and the owner of the house she is living in. I think she means it."

He looked at Giovanna, who was cutting through the water. "I guess something is working out for us then, huh."

"Something is."

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