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Samuel propped his head on his hand, staring at the television in front of him. It was about time for the dinner, but his family had not arrived, and his wife, the word still made him shiver, was not down from their room. She wasn't getting ready. He knew that. She'd been dressed when he left and chose to sit in the room while he waited in the parlour.

Since he returned from the honeymoon, it was a task to not check in on Flora to see how she was doing. Samuel tried to forget, bury himself in work and his project, and, dare he add, his new life, but there were moments when the thoughts resurfaced. The house was close to the town where Flora lived, where she worked. It wouldn't take long to get in a car and drive over to her place, but he didn't. Every time the thought resurfaced, he shot them down.

For every desire he had to see her, there was a good reason to stay away.

Flora hated him for the way things ended. He hated that he couldn't be honest with her and tell her the truth, but there were risks to that. His mother made that clear. To the rest of the world, his love for Kali overtook other emotions, and he didn't have anyone else in his heart but his new bride.

"Dear Lord," Samuel frowned, forking his fingers through his hair and reclining back on the couch, his eyes on the ceiling as he continued to drown in his thoughts.

Would Flora ever forgive him? How long did his mother plan to have him married? By the end of his marriage, could he win Flora back, or would she have moved on?

Behind him, he could hear Kali coming down the steps, but Samuel closed his eyes and remained still. She walked around him and got into one of the chairs beside him. Still, he did not. He gave no sign that he was aware she was there.


"Hmm." He grunted.

"Thanks." Reluctantly, he opened his eyes, craning his neck to see her. "Thanks for the dress. It's beautiful and very kind of you."

He wasn't sure what exactly made him purchase the outfit, not only for kali but also for her sister. Samuel didn't mean to buy her forgiveness for how he acted the days before. He bought it as a show of support.

Though he didn't support her vendetta against his mother, he agreed they could try and live peacefully. There was so much they didn't have in common, he could write a novel with it, but she didn't seem like a bad person. But she did seem miserable.

Before he could speak, the doorbell rang, and he left her to open the door.

"Evening!" Ember sang arms opened wide for a tight but quick embrace. Samuel looked on as the rest of his family filed into his home, his mother standing postured beside his father. "I am glad I came in time not to miss this."

Samuel noted when his mother's eyes fell on Kali. It remained on Kali's face for some time, then tracked down to her body, taking in the gown and shoes.

"Please, this way." Kali started to lead them when the doorbell rang out again. She stopped and turned towards the door. "Sam, show them to the table. That must be my sister at the door."

Leaving her to answer the door, he led everyone to the garden, where a large table was already set with soft yard lights illuminating the surroundings. The rounded table was covered with a cream-coloured satin cloth, and each plate had a napkin, which was folded into a flower, resting on top. The food was stashed in metal pans, covered and seated at the centre of the table.

"Sit, please." He implored, waiting till everyone was seated before he turned to call for Kali.

Kali and her sister walked out to join them. Before June took her seat, Kali took the opportunity to introduce her younger sister to Ember.

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