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Samuel took her hand and helped her down from the car. Most of the house seemed normal, but the garden was beautifully lit, with string lights strewn over the well-trimmed shrubs. Ember and Peter spoke to their father and some other couple while Ysabel was with an older man by the gazebo.

Samuel wore a sports jacket, button-up shirt and pants, while she wore a knee-length gown and some faltering jewellery. It was a family dinner; she didn't see the reason to dress like she was going to a gala. They kept things simple while trying to still appear formal for the event.

Together they walked over to the garden and spent a few minutes greeting his family. A few of his aunts and uncles were present, and Kali got reintroduced to them. After some time passed, Samuel took her over to where his grandfather stood.

"Good evening." He greeted. They shook hands before he gently pushed her forward with a hand against her back. "Kali, this is my grandfather, Claudius. Grandfather, this is my wife, Kali."

She stretched her hand forward, and he gave it a firm shake. Managing a flourishing smile, she dropped her hand and returned to Samuel's side.

"It's nice to finally meet you, sir." Hesitating, not knowing if she should mention it, she later added. "I am glad you are feeling better."

"Yes. Thank you. It's a shame I missed your wedding and the chance to meet you before this."

"It's not a problem."

"I'll leave you," Ysabel announced and brushed past them.

Kali kept her gaze straight. Ysabel had not spoken to her about the incident that occurred with Giovanna. No one mentioned it except when Timothy called to inform Samuel. Since then, it had all been radio silence. Peter and Ember didn't seem to be aware, and Giovanna was nowhere to be seen.

"Dinner isn't for another few minutes. Kali, would you walk with me."

It wasn't a request. Kali could sense it. Samuel's hand fell away, and she walked off, further into the garden, with Claudius. He led her far from the budding party into the haven of flowered shrubs. From Ember's earlier warning, Kali knew she needed to keep a level head no matter what he threw her way. So, she followed in silence, preparing possible answers to the questions he had.

She didn't have to wait long.

"How are you this evening."

"I am fine. The weather is pleasant."

"Yes, it is. I believe my grandson has spoken to you about me."

"Yes. He has."

"Well, he has told me nothing about you. I suppose it's no surprise that I am shocked by his decision to marry you."

"I admit our relationship isn't normal by any standards, and I understand that rushing into things has raised some concern on your part. You are his family."

"Didn't it raise any concern on your side of the family? Does no one from your family oppose you marrying a man you barely knew?"

"No," Kali stated. "My family trusts my decisions. Samuel is a good man, and my sister saw just as much when they met."

"Samuel was meant to be with someone else. Are you aware of this?"

The million-dollar question. "Yes. I found out after we met."

"And knowing he was with another woman didn't deter you from pursuing the relationship." He didn't sound accusatory or judgmental. In fact, he sounded indifferent, like he was asking the questions out of obligation rather than out of necessity. The temptation to remain silent and not indulge him further was strong, but she couldn't.

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