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Stripping out of her sleeved shirt, Kali used her leg to kick the apartment door shut. She caught a flash of movement at the side of her eyes and jumped, yelping in panic. Ember did the same, jumping back and jostling the box she held before dropping it. They laughed, Ember from amusement and Kali from anxiety.

"Why did you scream?" Ember throatily laughed.

"Sorry, I saw a flash and forgot someone else was here with me."

"That happens." Ember looked down at Kali's hands. "What did you go to the car for?"


"You wanted to go to the car to get something you forgot."

"Oh, yeah." Kali laughed, reaching into her back pocket to pull out her smartphone and waving it in the air. "I thought I dropped this bad boy in the car while getting out and was looking for it like a maniac. Guess what?"

"It was in your back pocket all along."

"Can you believe it?"

"Fortunately for you, I can."

Ember picked up the box she dropped and placed it down in the living room. It was already taped and labelled. Kali followed her back into the room and helped her pack the rest of the clothes, the sheets, the pillows and everything left in her room. They stripped it down to the barest minimum.

It took hours, but they made more progress than if she was alone. It was late in the afternoon when they finished and then sat to enjoy some takeout while ordering where everything would go. Ember was extremely resourceful for someone who left the city years ago. She knew people to call, areas to target, and Kali liked that.

"This is good stuff," Ember muttered, reading the restaurant name on the paper box. "I don't think I have ever heard of this place? Where is it?"

"Downtown. It's fairly close to the village area. The food is great, cheap, and delivery is quick."

"I'll keep that in mind. Sometimes I am too lazy to throw anything around in the kitchen. Cheap and quick delivery, with quality dishes, sounds like my jam."

Kali smiled. "I am glad. So, the plates and cutlery would go to?"

"Soup kitchen in Venice. They accept all sorts of donations, and I am sure some pots, pans and plates will be much welcomed."

Kali scribbled down the name and the item, carefully going over the list to see if anything was missing. "I think we are done. The movers will come tomorrow to take everything left to the storage room at the house. The designer will be in the day after, and we will start work on redecorating the apartment."

"Sounds great. Will you let him decide what furniture to use, or will you still decide yourself?"

"I'll decide. If he has suggestions, I'll take them into consideration as well."

"Then we are done." Ember pumped her fist in the air with glee, leaning back to rest on her hands. "I haven't felt this useful since I came back. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this."

"I don't know anyone who will be glad to be worked to the bone, but I am glad you found it stimulating."

"Trust me, I enjoy this. I am used to working myself silly. I don't fancy sitting idle, which is what I have done since I came home. It's extremely boring."

At the mention of Ember's time away, Kali felt herself gyrate towards her original goal. "Can I ask a question?"

"Sure thing."

"Why did you leave home?" Ember's eyes widened in question, and Kali rushed to elaborate. "Samuel said you left after your university degree and were meant to return after you finished your masters, but you never did."

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