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"Hello," Kali answered Ember's call as she shimmied into her skirt.

"Kali, we are waiting for you and Samuel in the parking lot. Are you with him?"

"No." She buttoned up her skirt and struggled into her sneakers. "He must be changing too. I am almost done here. I'll be out soon."


Kali tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, looking at herself in the mirror. She texted Samuel, passing along Ember's message before she hurriedly began packing her bag.

The door to the dressing room opened, and she perked up, listening to the mumbled voices before shaking her head and focusing on her packing. She tossed her towels and sandals into the bag and zipped it up. Finished, she swung the strap over her shoulder and started towards the door.

"Flora. Get in here, please."

Kali frowned, recognizing Samuel's voice. She stopped short, her hands against the knob. She heard the sound of a door clicking shut before feet shuffled past her door.

"Wouldn't want your wife finding out about this, Samuel."

"I am not in the mood for insinuations."

"Then what do you want?"

"To not fight with you. I want us to talk like adults, please."

"What do we have to talk about. Everything that needs to be said between us has been said."

"Then why are you doing this? What did you go to the bar for?"

"Of course, this is your problem. Are you worried that I said something to your precious wife? Afraid I implied something about you that would dim her adoration of you."

"Nothing you say affects her. I am worried about you. You are not like this. Why do you want to become someone you are not."

Kali swallowed nervously. She reached for the knob and turned it, careful not to make a sound. When the door was able to open, she gently pulled it open, allowing enough space to see what was going on without being too obvious.

Flora stood in front of Samuel, her back to the door so Kali couldn't make her expression.

"Now you are worried about me? Now you care what my life looks like? Where was all that when you married this random woman? Where was all that when you left me?"

"I left you because I cared. That's why I left. To stop you from getting hurt."

"Interesting. Your wife said almost the same thing today."

Samuel's brows cinched, and Kali bit her lip, closing the door swiftly and pressing her ear against it. She didn't think Flora would tell Samuel what they discussed at the bar. She hoped he wouldn't assume she was trying to stir intrigue because all she wanted was to help. She said those things to Flora, hopeful that it would get her thinking or at least satiate her anger. It did not.

"What do you mean? What did she say."

"That you love me." Flora threw it out like a challenge, daring Samuel to deny it. Samuel didn't speak. And after a beat, Flora added, "Well, do you?"

"What do you want to hear, Flora?"

"Why would she say that." Her voice was even softer. Kali imagined they were still close to each other, Flora's eyes boring into his in search of a truth he could never admit.

"Because she knows how much it hurts me to see you suffering because of what we did," Samuel admitted.

It was the truth to her ears but not to Flora.

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