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After a tedious week, nearly ruined by the appearance of Richard, Kali was finally ready to celebrate her long-awaited birthday party. Samuel was, once again, her sister's go-to guy for planning, so he promptly blindfolded her in the driveway of their house. Her fingers reached up, touching his knuckles when she got to her face, and he responded by gently slapping her hand away.

"Stand still."

"Why am I being blindfolded?" She asked for the sixth time that morning, shuffling from one foot to the other. "It's not a surprise party."

"If it were a surprise party, blindfolding you will give it away."

She stuck her tongue in her cheek, waiting for him to finish while regretting the choice to wear heels on her dress. Kali had no idea he would blindfold her first when she picked out the golden heels she thought went well with the snugly fit emerald green dress she picked for the party. A pair of white sneakers would have worked just as well since she wouldn't see the ground for a time.

"There we go." She felt the knot at the back of her head when he pulled the band taut. "Now, come on. Face me."

She was stiff, inching around little by little. With her hands in front of her, she waited until Samuel had turned her around to grab hold of his arms, sinking her fingers into the leather material of his jacket.

"Samuel, be careful." She whined, not slightly comforted by his mirthfulness.

"Don't you trust me?"

"I am sorry, dear. When it comes to blindfolds, I trust no one. Don't take it personally."

"I'll try." She heard the car door open as Samuel's fingers circled her right wrist. "You are by the car. Lift your leg high and get in."

Kali leaned closer, feeling the air until her hand came into contact with the cold metal body of the car. She stepped closer and closer, waiting for her legs to bump against the car before she got in. Samuel let go of her then. His scent intensified as he leaned close to secure the seatbelt around her.

"Try and be calm."


Things felt better once she got in the car. Samuel considerately didn't drive too fast. She held on to the seatbelt, worrying it as she tried to figure out where he was taking her. There was no way to figure it out because there were no familiar sounds she could cling to. All it served was to keep her worried but occupied as he drove.

After what felt like decades, the car jerked to a stop, and the locks disengaged. She helped herself out of the seat belt but waited for Samuel to help her out of the passenger seat.

"Please tell me there are no stairs involved in this."

"There are no stairs." She smiled gratefully, resting her weight around him. He held her by the hand and held her up against him by the waist. "We are taking an elevator."

"Oh no."

"I've got you."

"I don't like this. I don't like this at all."

"You know this is the whiniest I have ever heard you be. And with those steps, we'll never get anywhere. Trust me. Walk."

"Forgive me for being concerned for my future. Snapping my ankles isn't high on my list."

"Do you want me to carry you?"


Samuel chuckled. "I would if this wasn't much more fun."

Bristling, she turned to him, but he held her back, reminding her that she couldn't be acting irrationally. After a few choice words at him, she continued making her way forward skittishly with him standing behind her.

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