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The alarm blared loudly through the dark room, making an angry Kali reach out to slap down on the screen of her phone until she remembered the right way to shut it off. With a slide of a finger across the screen, the alarm stopped, and she snuggled back into her bed for some more time. When she finally stood up, she shuffled around her apartment, pulling the thick curtains apart and allowing the sun in.

She had not felt the days roll by since the awful first day at the Madden mansion. It was a few more days before her wedding, and she had to go to the boutique to try out her dress. Before that, she had to sit through the planning, from booking the venue for the reception, acting like she was choosing honeymoon destinations and visiting the church. Kali was considerably stressed out.

Ysabel played her part of disapproving but helpful mother-in-law-to-be with amazing precision, not going too over the top and staying in the pocket of her character. Kali grew to hate her with each passing day.

As a routine, she took a long cold shower, changed into neat well-ironed clothes, took a cup of tea to warm herself up and waited for a text.

After Samuel had taken her to his apartment to talk, his mother had been enraged. Ysabel demanded to know what they talked about, and Kali gave the story they agreed on together. Kali graciously informed Ysabel that Samuel only wanted to tell her that it was a marriage of convenience, where she would only get the comforts of a house and money. Ysabel had been sceptical but took her story as the truth. Unfortunately, she remained doubtful, so Kali and Samuel didn't see each other as often. Not that she minded. Victim or not, she couldn't help but be uncomfortable in his presence. They said what needed to be said, the rest was a matter of time.

A message came through, and her phone beeped, signalling that Matthias, a driver she knows can not be trusted thanks to Samuel, had arrived to pick her up. Kali took her time to pack all she needed into her purse before joining him downstairs.

As he got down to open her door for her, she was to find Ysabel sitting in the backseat this time. Kali climbed into the back next to Ysabel, her face stoic, disinterested. She kept her gaze either straightforward or out the window, not acknowledging Ysabel's presence.

"You plan on putting on that face for the staff as well?"

"What face?" She asked nonchalantly, still staring straight ahead. What did the woman expect? That she danced on the rooftops?

"You are marrying into a wealthy family for what is supposedly love at first sight. You should try smiling more often. Isn't security and wealth what you were chasing after all with Richard?"

Kali ignored the jabs and kept her cool, not allowing even a flinch to give her away. "You can make me wear the ring, you can make me praise your son in front of your family, and you can make me marry. What you can't make me do...is behave like I am happy to be anywhere you are."

In response, Ysabel only smiled and looked down at the tablet. The rest of the ride to the boutique was quiet, and Kali, once again, got enveloped in her thoughts. When the car finally pulled to a stop, she was still lost in thought, staring out the window and she didn't notice her sister sitting on a bench at the front of the store. She felt the locks engage and snapped into reality. Her door opened, and she turned to see a smiling June holding it open.

"You rascal." Her sister half scolded and half squealed as she yanked a still stunned Kali into a bare hug. Her sister cooed and giggled, while Kali caught Ysabel's eye before she entered the boutique. "How could you not tell me you were getting married. Are you insane!"

Kali swallowed, looking over her sister when they pulled apart. "It's all happening so fast I didn't have time to explain."

"You are lying. You called to tell me you figured out a way for us not to lose the house and the business. That was not too long ago, so you must have been engaged by that time."

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