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"This has to be the best girl's day out I have had since I got back?"

"What?" Kali gasped. "Just since you go back? Then I am doing something wrong. I plan to top all of them."

"You are on the right track." Ember looked up after tightly lacing her neon orange skates.

Kali helped her up, and together they walked around the ring. As she got more comfortable with the shoes, they started to skate, meandering through the bodies of people in the ring, moving in sync, hand in hand. Ember chuckled, allowing the music lead her when they let go of each other.

"You are good."

"I used to enjoy skating so much. My brothers were very good with skateboards, but I wanted to outdo them in something. So, I learnt how to skate and a few skills here and there. Sure, they can beat me on the boards, but on this," She twirled on the toes of her shoes before gliding over the floor. "They can't touch this."

"I bet they can't."

Hand in hand again, they went through the bumps. Kali sped up on her skates, twisting from side to side, swaying her skirt as she moved to the rhythm of the music. Ember wasn't too far behind.

The skating ring was their last stop for the day. First, they had taken a trip to the park, and enjoyed a few rides. Kali was scared of park rides. In fact, she still was, but Ember had encouraged her, so she went on a few, risking her mental state, and thankfully it was worth it. They visited the spa, not long after, then the salon to get their hair done.

Their time was running down. They were pleasantly exhausted and ready to return home after skating for a while around the ring. They returned to the benches and began to take off their fear.

"Hey. When are you returning to Germany?"

"Ready to get rid of me?"

"Of course not. I enjoy having you around. It's why I am asking."

Ember tugged off her skates. "This week."

Kali perplexed. She knew Ember would return at some point. The woman had been on vacation forever, but it seemed surprising that she wouldn't tell anyone ahead of time that she was returning within the next few days.

"And you haven't said anything?"

"I was going to. Later."

"Oh, that's sad," Kali murmured, glancing at the bottle she held.

"Don't be. I won't be gone for long."


"A month, two at the most." Ember smiled. "I am going to resign."

Kali nearly spit out the water she drank. "Resign?"

"Yeah. I think it's time I returned home. You know, permanently. But first, I need to give a notice, pack up my stuff, and rent out my apartment. I need to do so much before I return."

"Do your parents know?"

"No. Only Samuel does, but I asked him not to tell anyone. I decided this three days ago, so if it seems rushed to you, it's because it is."

"What are you going to do when you get back?"

"I'll figure that out when I return. Maybe it's irresponsible, but being back home put so many things in perspective for me. I left years ago because it didn't feel like a place I could make a life, but I am older now. Bolder, with more experience."

"So, what do you plan on doing when you get back?"

"Relaxing. For some time. I want to enjoy some time to spoil myself, go out, learn new skills, and discover new hobbies. I worked for years with little breaks."

"That makes sense." She reached out and took Ember's hand. "I will sincerely miss you."

"And I do realise I will be missing your birthday."

Kali gasped. "That's true."

"I'll be here for many others, though."

"Sure you will."

Two months was a long time. Kali found herself waking up daily with a new question on her mind. How much time was left for her as a part of the Madden family? She had grown close to the siblings and, of course, to Samuel, who had become her closest confidant, but she never deceived herself. She knew Ysabel could pull the plug anytime she wanted. One morning in the future could be her last morning as part of their family.

Who knew, by the time Ember returned, they might be in the process of a well-planned divorce.

"When are you leaving?"

"Thursday. Hopefully."

"What time?"

"Late. Around ten."

They exited the arena and immediately spotted Samuel waiting for him in the parking lot. He had on shades, denim jeans and a sports jacket thrown over a black t-shirt.

"I guess I would have to say goodbye on the phone."

"It's alright."

"Hey," Kali whispered when she got to Samuel. She threw her arm around his neck, kissing him on the cheek.

His hand settled on her waist as Ember came over to hug him. "Thanks for coming to get us."

"It's no trouble. How did you enjoy the day?"

"Estacitc. Now, I want to go home and crash on a bed."

Ember slid into the back seat, and Samuel looked at Kali, as she rested against his chest. "Ready to go?"


He pushed away from the door and pulled the handle to open it. Kali slid into the passenger seat, her eyes following him as he moved around the car to get in.

"You girls want something to eat?" He asked when he got in, looking into the rearview mirror at Ember.

"Yeah. Maybe."

"Burgers would be nice," Kali added, and he nodded, revving the car up.

"Drive through then."

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