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Kali sat in the middle of her bed, trying to lose herself in the videos she streamed, but her mind was pressed to go back to the night before. Samuel confessing that he was attracted to her had been an interesting surprise, to say the least. As someone who had been attracted to him for months, she couldn't see the big deal in him finding her attractive as well. Except, at first, she believed he was mortified at the idea of being drawn to her.

"Wait. Wait. Wait." She had held her hand out in front of her, her mind running to process the three simple words he had said. "You like me."

"That's what I said."

"As in, you are interested in me?" He scowled, and she shook her head. "Sorry, I was making sure."

Kali wasn't sure if she should be furious or relieved. It was a great comfort that he wasn't angry with her. She liked being on good terms with him. On the other hand, if that was the only reason for his attitude, it was overeating, in her opinion.

"Wait. All this attitude isn't because I did anything to offend you or because of any drama? It's because you like me?" She laughed furiously, slapping her hand on her thigh before all traces of derision were wiped from her face. "You go weeks acting like a disgruntled employee. You don't speak to me often. You try to avoid me and get away when I get close to you. All because you like me? I am sorry, but I am not that bad a person to be attracted to, heh."

"What? No." He shook his head. "It's not about you. I already said this. There's nothing wrong with you. I don't feel right feeling attracted to you because...I still love Flora. I feel like I am cheating on her. I can't stand it, but I can't seem to control it either."

Kali immediately calmed down, feeling the heat crawl up her neck for her outburst. Of course, he was thinking about Flora. "Sorry. I forgot I was the only one who came into this marriage without a partner."

Samuel groaned, scrubbing his face with his palm. "This is going how I thought it would. I thought you would be more shocked than this, to be honest."

"Shocked? Being attracted to someone isn't a crime, Samuel. It happens to everyone. Not to toot my own horn, but I have many good qualities. As do you. Being attracted to me doesn't mean you are betraying anyone. You haven't done anything to disrespect your girlfriend's memory or your relationship. I like you too. You're handsome, kind, attentive. I'd be an idiot not to like you, but finding you appealing doesn't mean we suddenly are not friends anymore or something more is happening between us."

He scoffed and looked at her, his eyes bore into hers. He looked amused and disconcerted at the same time. When he spoke, his voice was so low it took effort to catch every word. "You don't understand what I am saying, do you? The interest doesn't bother me much. It's the fact that, for me, attraction only comes when I am interested in acting on it."

Surprise gave way to silence.

"Oh," was all she managed to say.

"I am sorry to put you in an awkward position. It's why I didn't want to say anything."

"Awkward? To learn that you want to have something more with me?" She hunched over in a fit of laughter. "If anything, I feel honoured. The last man who was attracted to me was a cheap excuse for a partner. Deals a huge blow to a girl's self-esteem when she seems to attract idiots. You, darling, are a compliment."

He chuckled. "I should have known you would make light of this."

"Oh, come on, Sam. Sit." She begged when he made to stand. She moved to the floor on her knees, cautiously resting her hands on his knees. "I am sorry. I am sorry. Tell me why it bothered you so much? Is it because you think I'll be uncomfortable or because of something else?"

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