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Christen rushed up the stairs, throwing herself against the door as she banged it in urgency. Her head had been so full she forgot to take her jacket with her when she left the house, and walking in the nippy cold had left her chilly. But there were other things to worry about. Things that kept her from enjoying the rest of the party or falling asleep as her mind wouldn't stop racing.

She banged again, calling for Vincent, wondering if he was asleep. She hadn't thought about that. It was pretty late at night, and though he wasn't an early sleeper, she couldn't see any of the lights on in the house. She was desperate and needed to talk to someone before she folded in on herself. Vincent was the next best thing.

Relief filled her when she saw a light come on before the door opened, and a sleepy eyes Vincent stood in front of her.

"Chris?" Vincent looked her over before glancing at the street. "What are you doing here at this time?"

"I need to talk to you."

"It's twelve. Weren't you meant to be at a party till one?"

"I know. I got back from the party an hour ago because it was getting too much. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I need to talk to you. It's important."

"It must be. Come in."

"I am at an impase, Vincent." She dropped into the nearest seat, cradling her head in his hands. "I don't know what to do."

"Calm down and talk to me. What happened? Is it Daniel?"


"Okay. That's good, right?"

"Uh." She groaned into her palm. When she composed herself, she looked up at Vincent with a mournful shake of her head. "At the party, I overheard a conversation between Samuel and his wife, Kali. I went to the garden to clear my head and overheard them discussing their marriage."


"We were wrong. I was wrong."


"Samuel didn't cheat on Flora. Or at least that's what I got from what I heard. It seems his mother forced him to break up with Flora and marry Kali, and he did it because somehow she has something on Flora that could send her to jail. At first, I thought it was absurd. But then," her voice dropped an octave. "I remembered the ordeal with her father. Flora's desperation to find him a kidney and liver donor."

"Oh no."

"Somehow Ysabel found out, and she made Samuel break up with Flora in exchange for her freedom."

"Are you sure?"

"I wasn't deaf. I heard it, clear as day. Samuel said it. What have I done, Vincent? I spent weeks convincing her that she was wrong. That there was no deeper reason why Samuel broke up with her out of the blue. She was so sure there was more to the story, but I told her otherwise. I insisted that as good a man as he was, he wasn't high above having wondering eyes and wavering hearts. No, what did I do."

"So, if Samuel didn't cheat and only married to protect Flora, why didn't he say so? Why lie and tell her the story of falling in love with Kali months before?" A disbelieving look dawned on Vincent's face as he cursed softly. He stood from the chair, scrubbing his palm over his cheek. "All this time. All this time Giovanna was right."


"For months, she said there was something more between her mother and Kali. Kali had debts, and Ysabel paid them off. After the wedding, Giovanna said she heard Kali and her mother talking about it. Kali sounded condescending instead of grateful. Of course, Giovanna believes Kali took advantage of their mother, but with what you're saying..."

"Ysabel forced Kali into the marriage, too."

"Do you think?"

"The way Kali spoke about Ysabel, she didn't have gratitude in her heart, even if it was for paying her debts. There was so much resentment in her tone. You should have heard them. But that is not the worst part."


Christen closed her eyes, remembering all she heard between them. Samuel's declaration that he didn't want to separate from his wife unless their relationship failed. It wouldn't because his mother decided it was over. She couldn't see his face, but his voice carried all the information she needed. He was careful with his words, hesitant even, but there was no doubt.

"Sitting there, listening to them talk was difficult. From what I heard, they weren't in love all this time, but now...they are."

"Oh, Chris."

"What did I do."

"You didn't do anything. They fooled us all into thinking they were in love. You only did what a good friend would do. You tried to help Flora heal."

"I convinced her that the man she fell in love with didn't deserve her because he had fallen for someone else. She held out hope for weeks, months after the wedding, but I insisted that you couldn't really know a person."

Vincent shifted closer, taking her hand and holding her tight. "You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't know. She didn't know. Even his family doesn't know. It wasn't your fault."

"How do I do it now?" She wondered aloud.

"Do what?"

"Tell her."

"Tell her what?"

"About Samuel. That she was right."

"Have you lost your mind? Why would you do that?"

"I owe it to her."

"You owe it to her? To tell her the man she loved, and let's not kid ourselves, still loves, never cheated on her but got married to keep her free. Then where do you go from there? How do you think it's going to play out? She'd go to him; she'd try to get him back."

"I can't believe you're bringing your jealousy into this." Christen shook her head, disillusioned.

She tried to stand, but he pulled back to the chair. "It's not jealousy. I gave up on Flora a long time ago. Listen to me. Flora won't sit back and watch Samuel continue to fall for someone else? She'd go after him, and when his mother finds out, she could send Flora to prison anyway."

"I am saying it because of that, Vincent. Samuel said his mother is hanging Flora's freedom over his head to force him to divorce his wife. Flora needs to know because she has to protect herself. If Samuel doesn't leave Kali, then there is a possibility Ysabel will lash out by sending Flora to jail to make him suffer."

That gave Vicent a pause. He groaned and palmed the back of his neck. "If we tell her, her safety is in danger. If we don't tell her, her safety is in danger."

"There is no 'if'. I have to tell her. I owe her the truth, and I can only hope she'd take my advice on not approaching Samuel."

"Be honest with yourself. She'd not care as much for her freedom as she would the fact that Samuel didn't cheat on her? She'd run to him before thinking of what his mother could do. Neither you, I or anyone else can stop her."

"I feel so bad."

"You made a mistake, but it doesn't discredit your reason. You thought you were doing the right thing. You were trying to help."

Christine looked at him, remembering him mentioning Giovanna. "What about your little friend? Are you going to tell her?"

"Absolutely not."


Vincent chuckled. "Because that girl is crazy. I love her, but she has a lot going on when it comes to her brother. A lot of anger and resentment that even she doesn't understand. If I say anything to her, she wouldn't hear that her mother is at fault she'd hear that she was right. There is no way I can stop her from confronting her brother or Kali in front of the entire family. Everything will go to hell. Believe me."

"By this tomorrow, hell will break loose anyway."

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