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Samuel left for his lunch break early the next day to meet his mother at home. It didn't surprise him to receive her call. It had taken three days more than he expected, but it came nonetheless. He had arrived on time at the mansion, noticing that none of the other cars were around. The garage was being cleaned, and he couldn't see any other cars except his mothers. That meant his father and Giovanna had also stepped out for the day.

For the next three weeks, there were no dinners or parties planned except for Kali's birthday. His mother turned down the invitation, claiming she already made plans for that day months ago, which was alright with him. He told Kali she would do that. And no doubt fine with Kali. For the next three weeks, he had little reason to see his mother. It felt wrong to want to alienate her, but he needed to take more breaks and avoid compiling his stressing situations unless he had to.

"Good morning." He sat in front of his mother, mentally preparing for her reproach.

"I see you finally found time."

"Growing company. What can I say?"

"Indeed." She snickered, setting the files she handled aside and rolling her chair closer to the edge of the desk. "Your grandfather has gotten wind of the news circulating about your wife. I don't need to tell you that he is not pleased with the rising questions about the two of you."

"I can imagine."

"He won't get involved, but we agree on one thing, this story needs to be buried and buried immediately. Thanks to your father thinking ahead, we have taken measures to ensure none of the other scandal sheets or news outlets try to pick up this story. We can't say where it started, but the damage has already been done."

"I know about that. Dad told me he worked to get the story taken down."

"Good. Your grandfather doesn't think it's something that we should pay attention to, and he is right."

"It's easier to pay attention because no matter how we think it affects us all, it truly only affects Kali. She is the one with the job she has to go to every day with questioning eyes following her every move. She has the sister who might get ridiculed because of it. From our perspective, nothing has really changed, but for Kali, there are effects from this."

"Kali will live."

"I guess she will. Anything else?"

"That's about it, but I want to discuss something else."


"It has been a long time since we had this conversation, but when we did, you assured me your relationship wasn't what I was painting it to be. You said you had agreed to live cordially, and there was nothing more to it, correct?"


"It seems things might have changed from then till now. I noticed you both are getting closer. And I wonder if your relationship is leaning towards exactly what I accused it of being."

"I never knew you to be one to dance around words."

He casually accused. He knew the road his mother wanted to follow, but he was ready to channel a bit of Kali through himself. Today, he wasn't going to keep his tongue in his cheek, waiting for her to rap off her list of issues with his life. The life she constructed for him with her actions. He didn't intend to fight, but she won't have the upper hand this time.

"Say what you want, Mom. Let's speak clearly. There is nobody in the house with their ear against the door."

"Fine. We speak clearly. I believe your relationship has gone beyond friendship. I might not be the best in romance, but I can tell when there is interest. These past few weeks, I have noted some interest growing between you."

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