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Ysabel looked up when the door to her study flew open. She looked agitated, but Ysabel didn't believe that was a reason to forget her manners.

"You knock before you come in." She spread her arms out to indicate the cluster of papers on the desk. "I am busy right now."

"I have waited long enough, mom. One more second with this on my chest, and I will explode. I swear I can't take it."

"Giovanna, I don't have the time to pay attention to one of your meltdowns. I have a lot of work to do. Collect yourself and let me work."

Giovanna pressed her palms down on the table and leaned over, her eyes filled with anger. "This is not a meltdown. I want to know why you allowed Samuel to marry a woman who was so obviously after our money."

"What are you talking about now."

"Explain to me why you paid off Kali's debts."

"What are you talking about?" She repeated.

"The day after the wedding. I overheard both of you talking, and you told Kali that you made sure to pay all her debts. She said something about enjoying her new family and new life, but you warned her that she still had to behave herself because you would be watching her."


"So?" Giovanna repeated in shock. "So? I couldn't hear the entire conversation, but I know what I heard."

"Giovanna, none of that is any of your business."

"You too won't tell the truth, right? You want me to think I am crazy or overthinking things, but I know I am not. Something is going on with Kali, and you are trying to cover it up, knowing well that she is using that cover to incorporate herself into our life."

Ysabel stood from the desk and walked around the table to grab Giovanna by the arm. "What do you mean by 'you too?' Giovanna, what have you done."

"I went to speak to your darling daughter-in-law. Actually, I went to talk to Samuel, but what great luck that she was there. I confronted her on how she wanted to take advantage of my brother, who is too much of a love-crazed idiot to see he married an opportunist."

"When will you learn to mind your own business, Giovanna!" Ysabel shook her hard. "When will you learn to act like a lady, not an uncouth, uneducated, spoilt child. Why don't you use your head for once."

"I am using my head. Don't you see how she acts? She is always smiling at him, kissing him, manipulating him, and she is doing it with dad and the rest of our family. But you know who she is. You know what she wants, and you still let her continue with it."

"I am not letting her continue with anything, Giovanna. If you had come to me and asked me, I would have told you the truth. Instead, you drove to your brother's house to cause a scandal?"

"I'll tell you one thing, she is exceptionally good at playing the happy wife. Should have seen her defend him, painting herself as the dedicated wife. You can do it too. Pretend to be the dedicated mother, only trying to protect her son."

"I was trying to protect my son. That's the reason I paid off her debt. I did it to protect Samuel, to protect our family."

"You don't expect me to believe that. do you? You have never not called out someone who didn't deserve it. What am I saying, you call out people who don't. Why didn't you do it this time? Why did you keep silent? What are you hiding?"

"It's impossible to speak to you."

"I can say the same about you, mom. I am begging you. Please tell me the truth. Tell me why you are helping her behind everyone's back?"

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